w ababsurdo archives

Birch Point Beach Blog



I am a just a regular old mom who has had a website since sometime in 1999. This is what it looked like on June 6, 2001. Cool, eh? ;-) I started blahgging the summer of 2003 when Mouse and I went to the Great White North and left the GG and Lizard Breath home for a rather extended period of time. Telephones drive me nuts and I didn't want to have to make a nightly call to perfectly healthy, happy people to tell them all the non-news of the day. Went to the laundromat. Dead bird on beach. Octogenarians process the garbage. Excitement abounds on the shores of Gitchee Gumee. So, I started writing a little daily blurb on my website and posting badly optimized photos to go along with it. To my huge surprise, a couple of people besides Liz and the GG actually started to, uh, read the dern thing. And it was fun! So I just kept on going. And going. And going. And now people like The Commander have actually been known to panic on the odd day when my host server is down and they can't get to it. I expect that most of my readers are family and friends but I warmly welcome anyone who drops in to read about my fascinatingly exciting life. Don't be shy about it, I'm glad you're aboard. You will not normally get anything political out of me. But you never know. Random is the word. Links to entries past are below. Y'all know what to do.