Grok grok! Explodin’ head o’ hair! Grok grok!

Grok grok! Pleez skan yer Kroger plus card. grok grok. Pleez put th’ item on th’ skanner. grok grok. Pleez wate fer th’ cashyeer. grok grok. Pleez put th’ item BACK in th’ bag. grok grok. Pleez put th’ item BACK on th’ skanner. grok grok. Do ya hav eny coopons, coinstar er bottle returns? grok grok. Pleez remoov all items frum th’ skanner. grok grok. Pleez putcher coins in before yer dollers. grok grok. Do ya wanna pay by cash er credit card? grok grok. Pleez don’ fergit yer change ‘n’ yer reseet! grok grok. Paper er plastic? Paper er plastic? PAPER ER PLASTIC? PAPER ER PLASTIC? grok grok. WARNING! IT DUZ NOT COMPYOOT! WARNING! WARNING! IT DUZ NOT COMPYOOT! GROK GROK GROKGROKGROKGROK!!!

grok GROK! This is gittin’ skeery! grok grok. Ol’ Baggy is not rite in th’ head! She is ternin’ int’ a U-SKAN! grok grok. I knew those ol’ things’d git t’ her eventyally! grok grok! She’s bin goin’ thru th’ u-skan just about evry day. grok grok. ‘n’ then she fergits sumth’n’ ‘n’ hasta go back t’ th’ u-skan agin! grok grok It’s just gittin’ krazy!!! grok grok. This mornin’ she almos’ pored sum bad milk on ‘er cheerios ‘n’ then she pored it all out. ‘n’ THEN she went t’ th’ u-skan spesifickly t’ git s’more milk. grok grok. ‘n’ gess what? She FERGOT th’ milk! Now the pore li’l Mousey has t’ go git some. grok grok. Me ‘n’ ol’ Smokie finely hadta tie Ol’ Baggy down ‘n’ pore some magick poshun down ‘er throte just t’ k-nock ‘er out. grok grok. We thru ‘er in my londree baskit ‘n’ now she’s sleepin’ it off with Moley! grok grok. snork.

grokgrok grok korg! I’m takin’ over thishere blahg!!! grokgrokgrokgROKG SQUEE-GROK SQUEE-GROK SQUEE-GROK.

3 Responses to “Grok grok! Explodin’ head o’ hair! Grok grok!”

  1. jane Says:

    as I said yesterday, grok grok GROK! grok grok grok grok.

  2. Webmomster Says:

    “Would you like a little mace or pepper spray with that order??”

  3. Aimee Nassoiy Says:

    Good work froogy, The trick is that you haf to keep checkin the loudree baskit, an let her out after she sleeps it off. She’ll bee gud as gnu!