Cook me up some bacon and some beans
Okay. You have come home early. You have a sore throat. Dinner is not ready yet. I’m getting there. I do not want your sore throat. I do not have any sick time at the moment. I know that I could take some sick time if I did get your sore throat. My boss would not want me there. He would boom out, “GO HOME!” and we’d figger out the time somehow. Mergers can suck the air out of the room even when you don’t lose your job. And I didn’t. yet. yay. But I do not want to get sick. I think somebody should sleep on the Green Couch tonight. Maybe it’ll be me…
That photooo is one that my trusty then-new powershot (this was 2007) took as I was trying to frame some wonderful view of downtown San Francisco and suddenly I was grabbed and dragged over to the curb. Apparently, I was just about to get run over and my beloved Lizard Breath dragged me to safety.
Hmmm. Tap tap tap. Do I still have a blahg? Yeah, okay. I didn’t cook bacon and beans tonight. I can’t think when I have cooked those two things together. Tonight I cooked a “hot pot” recipe from our loverly online newspaper. It was pretty good. I might do it again.
And so, I am old and my kids have to keep track of me. When the little lizard was a walking baby and I was young, we left her once with a friend of ours, Master Woodring (aka Doug), for an evening. It was winter and he basically let our baby do almost whatever she wanted to do. Oh, he also gave her a beautiful blow-up globe as a gift. A wonderful gift. We left and after Lizard Breath orchestrated various indoor activities with Doug (who possessed a phd, by the way, which doesn’t mean anything except that he was a more interesting baby-sitter than most), she directed him to take her on a mission. The mission was titled “Find Mommy”. She decided that they were going to drive my 1979 Ford Fiesta (aka Mommy’s Little Gold Car). She handed our friend a pair of gloves and my car keys. They went outside to the car and got in. She pointed at the keys and then at the ignition. Doug stopped at that. He wasn’t going to drive my car anywhere. So they went back inside. Lizard Breath directed Doug to pack up her beautiful new globe into a paper grocery bag and off they went again. On foot this time. When they got to the end of the block, she stopped. The 15 month old walking baby knew not to step off the curb into the street without someone helping her watch for cars. Smart? You betcha. They stood there for quite a while and eventually, they managed to continue their walk and they ran into a drunk guy with a dog and I forget what else.
Kids? They do grow up and if you are lucky, they will be taking care of you, even if you don’t really need it yet. Not sure what I did right… And yes, this is really random and boring and I do NOT want to get a sore throat.
January 28th, 2010 at 7:33 pm
My husband is sick with a cold and sounded like a vacuum cleaner last night, so I slept in one of the girls’ beds. (is that apostrophe corrrect?) Anyway, I’m hoping not to get it either–lesson plans are NO fun.