I was restless today. I was restless all day. I love winter. I love the darkness that surrounds the solstice and the cold and the snow. I don’t know why. I know others have trouble with this and I empathize with them but for me, the cold and the dark are energizing. To me, there is nothing like getting up at 0-dark-30 AM and walking out into the schoolyard and seeing the Dippers in the sky. Or even slodging along through a snowstorm. I can’t deny that when we go through weeks and weeks of single digit or below zero Fahrenheit temperatures, I get tired of pulling my snowpants and balaclava on and off but once I am outside, I am happy. We are coming up on late February. It is at this time of the year when we in the Great White North start seeing what I like to call Summer Skies. Bright blue with blinding sunlight. I usually see skies like this while cross-country skiing in the great northern woods. I have not been on skis all winter and I have only been in the north a couple of times this winter. Today I was restless. I went out and walked my lunchtime away. I got this photooo when I turned back south. The sun was so bright that I couldn’t even see the screen to see what I was photographing. The last time I took a photooo from more or less this vantage point, it looked like this, which I also think is beautiful.
Time is marching on and today I got my first glimpse of the summer to come. Summer 2010. Our first summer without Radical Betty, not to mention those who went before her. I will be walking the beach. Fin Family Moominbeach. Who wants to walk with me?
P.S. Man oh man, this should not be a postscript but I have again forgotten to mention that it is DogMomster’s birthday! Even though I did wish it via Twitter. Head over to cliffsvic and wish her a happy birthday!
February 19th, 2010 at 8:14 am
I will walk with you. this summer I WILL get to the cabin at some point. and from my perspective – I love the different seasons, but I have been SO happy to have some sunshine yesterday and today. I look forward to springs arrival.
February 19th, 2010 at 11:27 am
That photo is lovely!