Ghost Clink
Just a few minutes ago, I swore I could hear ice cubes clinking. That was Grandroobly’s cue for “I want another 1/8th drink.” Or whatever. 😕 I heard that sound a while ago and I went to get the GG’s glass but he didn’t have a glass. He had left his drink on the dining table. It wasn’t even finished. I got him a new one anyway. ALL-RIGHT! Which of you two blasted ghosts blew through here?
September 10th, 2007 at 8:00 pm
I’ll bet it was Grandroobly! Somehow, Jimbo was not quite the “ice-clinking” type, at least in recent years… dunno, mebbe the two of them were conspiring??
September 10th, 2007 at 8:01 pm
BTW – playing with iWeb just for the heckuvit. Will see how it works out…
September 11th, 2007 at 11:37 am
I was figgerin’ that the ol’ boy (Jim) might pass through just to be a pest. Peeves style, y’know? 😉
September 11th, 2007 at 7:38 pm
You ROCK Jim-Peeves!!!
September 11th, 2007 at 8:06 pm
That clinking of the ice in the glass – it must be a habit of men of Grandroobly’s era! Doug’s dad used to do that and I was amazed that my mother in law, Mildred, would JUMP up and refill that glass. Doug has tried that with me a few times but I just give him that “Sally” look. I guess that is why my dad didn’t do the ice clinkin’ thang. Hey maybe BF is up there clinkin’ with Grandroobly and Jim-Peeves! Maybe…