
That is about all you’re gonna get outta me tonight. The plan here was to have dinner at Knight’s Steakhouse. At the end of today, I didn’t even have the psychological energy for that. I wanted to come home, dress down, and stay home. I wasn’t all that hungry either.

Today I just barely managed to take my morning walk before the predicted rainstorms started to roll in. I was a couple blocks away from the schoolyard, heading home, when I started to hear thunder rumbling around in the distance. I got pretty wet by the time I was home but the torrential rains didn’t start until about the time I wanted to head off to work. My little commute was only marginally easier than it is when I have to plow through six inches of snow. It was a little less slippery today but man, there were some deep puddles. I was wishing that the Dogha was outfitted with extensible pontoons more than a few times. I did make it and then I banged my head back and forth between two of my specs for the entire day. I didn’t go for a walk at lunch because I didn’t want to have wet feet all afternoon and then finally at about three o’clock, I couldn’t stand it any more, so I did go out and walk for 20 minutes or so and my feet were wet for the rest of the afternoon but my head was clear. Sort of…

That is all. It is sunny now but did I just hear a bit of thunder?

Y’know, I can’t complain about the weather. We are really not in an area that ever floods in the kind of way that a lot of other folks experience from time to time. Our basement did not get wet at all for many years and then, a few years ago, some sort of crack developed in the wall behind the dryer. Hurricane Ike also caused some problems. And that’s just the basement! The Huron River sometimes overflows its banks a bit but it would take an exponentially larger amount of rain than we have ever had here to flood the main floor of my house and most of the other houses on the Planet.

2 Responses to “Gibberish”

  1. Margaret Says:

    The rain–I know it well! We have blue skies right now though. However, the wet stuff is never far from the forecast. 🙂

  2. Sam Says:

    Hey, I like that idea: pontoon cars! Detroit’s just down the road; suggest it to ’em!