In which I [partially] explain what to do with Twitter
Because people are always asking things like “I don’t know how Twitter works” and “whaddoo I do with Twitter”, etc., ad nauseam. Fer kee-reist, you figure out what YOU want to do with Twitter and DO it and don’t take the whole thing too seriously. Fer kee-reist (okay, I’ll quit with the “kee-reist”). A Twitter example: I have been slodging along on the Planet Ann Arbor this week. Nobody else has been home. This is okay. They are up on the Shores of Gitchee Gumee and I wish I could be there too. But I have been kind of happily hibernating here, doing my morning walk, going to work, scrabbling together leftovers or Plum Market takeouts for dinner and downloading movies in the evening. I figured I would do some sort of variation of that tonight.
I checked Twitter on my iPhone in the mid-afternoon aaannnd, educaremom, a very old friend of mine, had tweeted me! Wanna meet at Knight’s for dinner? Well. Yes!! Sheesh, I am a good old mother bear but I can only hibernate so many nights in a row. And so, we met at Knight’s (her husband too) and it was so wonderful to reconnect with each other. That’s one thing you can do with Twitter. I don’t think either of us would have actually called the other on the, you know, telly-phone…I walked home from Knight’s. Yes, of course I could still walk, what were you thinking? Oh yeah, one or two of you are probably remembering the time I put on my snowpants right in the restaurant. Of course, I walked home *then* too… Anyway, after I got home tonight, I looked out the front window and there was a car parked in front of the Landfill. Aaannnd, a guy was changing his pants right outside his car where I could watch (and even video it but I didn’t). The Engineer and I once witnessed the GG do this in the middle of the Engineer’s street in Grand Blanc. We were dying laughing and it was a year before the Engineer died and I don’t think I will ever forget it.
The GG sent me a couple of little KW-style videos from the hiking/camping trip he and Mouse took to Lake Superior. I posted both of them on Facebook and one of them on YouTube, and that one is below.
August 14th, 2010 at 3:30 am
Love your blahg entries. Twitter and twitter serendipity. Knights. GG video! A winner! Great weekend!
August 14th, 2010 at 10:32 am
Some of us do remember the snow pants removal/re-added Knight’s experience. It was winter Fer kee-reist!
Enjoyed previewing the hiking/camping video at last night’s beachfire with live expert narration.
August 14th, 2010 at 6:16 pm
twitter is useful for work. i follow people in the same line of work and steal their ideas. hahahhahaa