Just don’t let your car keys out of your sight!

yeti.jpgI am not crazy about driving in snow. It doesn’t much bother me around town at relatively slow speeds. I just hate when I’m on the freeway and I’m not quite sure what the road surface is actually like and everybody else seems to want to go a different speed than me. Either they tailgate like crazy and then zoom around me in the snow-covered left lane. I am always happy when I see one of those in the ditch a few miles up the road. And then there are the little old ladies or whoever who are *slower* than me and I have to pass them. We won’t even talk about the oil tankers.

When we left the Planet Ann Arbor this morning, it was snowing. It was also really cold and I think for that reason, not very slippery around town. The freeway didn’t *seem* that slippery either but it was hard to tell. There was only one lane that wasn’t totally snow-covered and I was thinking, “if I have to drive in this the whole 350 miles, I am going to be tired at the end of it.” Luck was with me though, at least for a while, and somewhere south of the Linden/Grand Blanc area, the sun came out and we had a cloudless sky and a DRY HIGHWAY all the way to the Grayling rest area. I was able to drive about 80 except in the West Branch area where the state cops hang out, so we made fantastic time. Then we stopped at the Grayling rest area and, as soon as we got back on the freeway, the threatened lake effect snow materialized big-time and the roads deteriorated quite precipitously. Stopped again at Gaylord to get gas and coffee and it was an absolute zoo there. The GG asked if I wanted him to take over the driving. I dithered a bit. Was I more nervous driving or riding? Finally I decided to let him drive and I stuffed myself into the back seat with Froggy. Miraculously, around about the Injun River area, the sun came out again and we had beautiful sunshine and dry pavement *again* all the way to Rudyard. Where it *again* deteriorated into snow-covered and slippery (?) roads. Fortunately, we were almost here by then.

It has been a wild weekend. The GG drove up here on Thursday night to attend a North Country Trail board meeting and pick up The Commander for a trip to the planet. They drove down on Friday. Saturday was spent in Royal Oak going to Jerry’s funeral, partying with the MacMullan clan, getting a tour of all the GG’s old haunts, and shopping at Trader Joe’s. Back up to Siberia today and home to the planet tomorrow.

That is all. Click here or on the pic for life in the Great White North.

Boomerang Woman, aka The Abominable Snowwoman.

And now for a Franhattan. Hope she doesn’t make ’em backwards again. 😈

4 Responses to “Just don’t let your car keys out of your sight!”

  1. Webmomster Says:

    …. would that have been 1001 John????

  2. kayak woman Says:

    No, it isn’t 1001 John. It is I-forget-what-number Prospect. Don and Katie’s house when I was a kid and the Shermans’ house before that. It’s on one of my usual Siberian walking routes.

  3. Sam Says:

    Whew! Glad you traversed all safely. Loved the pictures, especially of bridges and snowbanks (brrrrrrrrr!)….

  4. Scott Farnell Says:

    That’s so cool, or cold as the case may be. I was at Stokely Creek resort just north of Sault Ste Marie, Ontario all weekend. I kept asking myself who skies in 20 below temperatures as I was doing just that. Have you guys ever been there? Great trails and the back country is, well, challenging comes to mind. Glad to be back in this balmy 15 degree weather though. I drove home in that fantastically precipitous snowy weather you lovingly refer to. We did not have the good fortune of the sun during the night shift, however. Hope to see you soon kayak woman.