Where was i?

It was a wonderful conference overall but I think I could’ve organized the workshop I attended today a little better? It was run by the conference gurus and they are passionate about their work and vision. But they cannot let people try to derail things with their own problems. That’s all yer gonna git outta me. It *was* worthwhile. I had great fun and learned stuff– Love, Kayak Woman

4 Responses to “Where was i?”

  1. Mark Says:

    Nice Pic

  2. Mark Says:

    You didn’t drive with a windshield like that?

  3. kayak woman Says:

    Shore did! Windshield cleared up completely about a block after I took the pic — at the Jackson/N. Maple stoplight.

  4. Webmomster Says:

    The ROFL-copter is taking off….