Say bird and house!
Yeah, I think there’s a "6" in there too. It probably meant that I was anticipating my 6th birthday. Kind of like the whole 4-year-old straight pickle thing. I absolutely remember playing with that wonderful felt board and making words! Anyway, The Landfill is still in a state of construction so I can’t really do much around here, although I *did* vacuum my beautiful new chocolate brown carpet today. And I *could* go down and troll around in the dungeon but I just didn’t have the right kind of psychic energy for that today. Instead, I took on a project that I could actually finish! I scanned all of the photos in one of The Commander’s albums. These are from when I’m a baby and my brother too. They are lightly photoshopped. I just changed light levels and “color” a bit and didn’t bother to try to fix the scratches and other imperfections. There’s not a lot to work with here.
The pics are old *small* black and whites from whatever kind of camera my folks could afford back then, which probably wasn’t that much and photography wasn’t a huge interest anyway, that I remember. It’s okay. Forget all that. The Commander has commented that it was my grandmother’s album. That explains a few things that I won’t go into. It’s just amazing how easy our technology is now. And one of the things that is the most interesting to me in these pics is remembering the old house and all of the stuff in it. And some of it I *don’t* remember because by the time I was sentient enough to string memories together, The Commander had changed it. Er, like, I seem to be taking a bath next to the stairs in the kitchen, which is where I always remember as being the place for the refrigerator. Click here or on the pic to launch the slideshow.
May 31st, 2008 at 7:24 pm
Love the slide show!! Miss the little guy drinking his bottle behind the Christmas tree, he was a cutie!
June 1st, 2008 at 10:45 am
Great job, digitizing the pics. Are you wearing socks in the bath?
June 1st, 2008 at 11:20 am
I was born with a toe that turned in an odd way, think pigeon toes, I guess. So, my foot got corrected and I wore what I remember being told was a “brace”. I don’t remember wearing the “brace” and when I was a little older, there was a kid my age (our parents were friends) who had these awful metal braces on his legs from polio and I always thought that’s what *my* “brace” had been like.
I think that “sock” thing is the “brace”.
June 1st, 2008 at 7:37 pm
In picture #3 you are sitting on a rocking horse. If you go through the Courtois slides, there is a picture of the Twinnies on their first (or near their first) birthday. That looks like the same type of horse and you look like you were about a year old. That must have been a popular toy (Playskool I think) Billy and Bobby had their picture taken in living color and the toy was red, white and blue from what I remember. You sure were a couple of cuties!
June 1st, 2008 at 10:13 pm
The smallish book of pictures that is all falling apart is not our book – it is your grand mother;s – <Margaret’s. I don’t kn ow what else you took so but they are probably ours. You kn ow that we also have a ton of slides of the family also.
Nice day her on Friday , then a cold, cold ,wet day,then today very nice again but in general a coldspring. Lilacs beginning to come ou. The Commander