Neutrons and neutrinos and Martian toasters

I am too taaarrred to try to pull any April Fools’ pranks on anyone. I am just about the biggest fool on earth in any case. I am soooo easy to fool. At least in social-type situations. I do not usually get jokes and I can be strung along for a good while on an April Fool joke. Thanks to fb and some folks at work who were having great fun calling their spouses to say that they were being relocated to Wisconsin (yeah, I know), I was tipped off pretty early in the day today. So I was a bit more on the lookout today than usual.

It was a busy day and I had a big presentation-type whoopty-do thingy to do this afternoon and we actually managed to get through it *early*, so afterward, a couple other gals on my team and I celebrated with a walk. Honestly, that qualifies as design work. Really. Finally it was time to call it a day and I walked downtown to meet up with the GG at the Old Town Barroooom. The Repotters showed up and NPJane made a cameo appearance but left her orange slice back at her barstool.

I don’t have much to say tonight and you are happy about that. It was Foolmoon tonight! Who knew? We spent about 15 minutes or so watching their parade of lanterns or whatever it was. It was great fun and I got a bunch of rather crappy photooos and one loooverly six-second fish-lip video that’s on facebook. And we ran into the proprietor of the Damn Arbor blog. And then I started turning a little orange around the edges and we all know that means it’s time for yer favo-rite blahgger to red queen back up to the Landfill and rack it up for the night.

One cause for celebration! It appears as though “we” have managed to thwart the Martian toaster from landing on our old library lot. With that, good night!

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