Barefoot on the moominbeach in April

So, today was a day of change. Immediate change and possible change to come. The immediate change? Absolutely electrifyingly good, as in how the heck did a baggy old kayak woman accomplish that? The possible change to come? Excruciatingly difficult. One day, one moment, one step at a time.

I’m not going any further with any of that. When I woke up this morning, I had to scrape ice off the Ninja’s windshield. Last week, when we were truly having winter weather up here, I had the Mean Green Frog-hoppin’ Machine here and I actually, believe or not, have one o’ them thar remote starters for that vee-hickle. So when I got ready to rock ‘n’ roll every morning, I could start the dern thing from inside the squatter’s paradise and melt the blasted ice. I now have the loverly Ninja and the GG has the frog-hopper. He picked up a trailer at the Lord of Linden’s with that thing on the way down today, so I’m sure he is loving pulling a blasted trailer again. And I can now drive the Ninja down into the Moomincabin driveway, so we’re all cool.

And so, after a rather long day with a few highs and lows, I got into the Ninja and drove out to the beach. There is still a little snow and ice but when I got down to the top of the bank, it was warm enough that I took off my Chaco sandals and my polartech socks and… I. walked. the. beach. in. bare. feet. Yes. It was gorgeous! As I walked, I took a picture of the sand and snow and posted it to facebook with the caption that I was walking the beach in bare feet. Our Northern Correspondent Paulette saw my photo and called me. Whine? Well, of course! I asked her if she knew where I was. Yes, she could see me. Of course! We drank some whine and my beloved cuzzint Jan joined us and an osprey entertained us and it felt like summer and life was really really good…

And oh yeah, a couple of other beach denizens launched a kayak! The one in the photoooo… Maybe I will drag one of ours out before my sojourn here comes to a temporary end. We’ll see what I have time to do and how well the weather will cooperate. Rain is predicted for the next few days (last I looked) and we definitely need it here. Dry forests and very low water in the Big Lake they call Gitchee Gumee.

Love y’all,
Yooper Woman!

3 Responses to “Barefoot on the moominbeach in April”

  1. Becky Courtois Says:

    Hi Anne,
    I’m glad you got to walk your beach yesterday. Thinking of you and your mom and so glad to hear Bill took her out for an adventure. Take care and hope to see you up at the lake when the time is right.


  2. jane Says:

    aside from the ice in the picture I just think ‘aaahhhhh’.

  3. Pooh Says:

    Hey, if you need rain, we’ve got plenty here in St. Louis!!! I was going to box up some to send to Texas, but I’ll try and send some North too.