Six days and a few dollahs latah…
This Montana campsite is where I am not. I am sweltering here in the Landfill Chitchen with a cold wet washcloth draped around the back of my neck. I am spending a day of my dwindling vacation time stash tomorrow and my sorta tentative plan was originally to drive up to the Houghton Lake Group Home after work tonight, crash there, and hit the road at 0-dark-30 in the morning for the rest of the trip to the yooperland. We have a lot to do up there this weekend and I’ll need every minute I can get. Alas, today ended up being a very complicated day and I pretty much decided I had hit a wall.
So. Got up at the regular time or thereabouts. Did *not* walk. There’s a reason for that and it isn’t related to lightning. Threw laundry in, grabbed a bowl of cheerios and some yogurt, and logged on to my work laptop. Until… Met MMCB at Barry’s at 8:00. MMCB is doing a rough variation of my life lately, except that her nomadic adventures are taking her to Florida. Went home and logged back into my work laptop until… 10:00 AM, when I trucked downtown to the body shop to pick up the frog hopper (reason for not walking earlier). Relief (!) at seeing it parked outside. Very small bit of body work butchya nevah know how long auto body work is gonna take… Home to change clothes. My work seems to be in a summer-long casual mode this year. Even shorts are acceptable. Except I doubt that *my* shorts are because they are, you know, *short*. And grab work laptop. And schlep over to work. Except. Hello. There is no gasoline? It’s okay, I made it to the gas station. By that time, I knew I would be better off chilling out here on the Planet for the night. Well, except that it is HOT! Again. And I do not have Gitchee Gumee in my front yard.
So, I got home and trudged over to my fav-o-rite Plum Market. Picked up a wee filet for me tonight and some duck breast to freeze for some other night. And some cab. And I have some leaf lettuce and an ear of corn, a tomato, and half a cuke from Farmer John’s garden. And some homemade balsamic viniagrette.
Good night!
–Kayak Woman
September 1st, 2011 at 8:50 pm
Hot? It’s 75 here and I’m feeling it a bit. 😉 It sounds like you kept busy–lots of small things. They seem to eat up a day.
September 2nd, 2011 at 9:21 am
Please stop at the Group Home, I promise I’ll be quiet and not talk your ear off. You can rest awhile, use your computer too.
September 2nd, 2011 at 11:46 pm
Great Picture! I love those lodge pole pines.