Living through the deep sh*t sound in the iCloud

Back in the Jurassic Age, we owned an Apple laptop computer. We own umpteen of them now (mostly old and repurposed) but this was the first laptop computer for us. Unfortunately, it was just a wee bit lemon-ish. Kind of like my beauteous old Island Teal POC. I think this was during the era that Steve Jobs was working for NeXT. It was definitely back when the internet was run by gophers.

Back in those days, I watched a couple of neighbor kids a lot of mornings before school. For free. I was a doormat for a while. What can I say? That mom was a good friend and I felt honored that she trusted me. I am really, really, really good at saying NO nowadays. And so, usually things were pretty calm on those days but there was this one day when all hell broke loose. The kids were all arguing about whatever. And then, the younger daughter actually had a hole in the crotch of her leggings and NO underwear! I can’t quite remember what we did but I think I sewed up her pants. And then. Dun dun dun. That was the day our loverly old G1 Apple laptop freaked out and did the deep sh*t noise and that was our only viable computer at that point and I was totally freaking out… But I fixed it…

Yesterday I upgraded everything on earth (MacBook Pro, iPhone, iPad) to whatever the heck is the latest and greatest and took all that stuff (I thought) to the iCloud (I am not afraid of the iCloud). It took hours and there were some scary moments. Now… iPhoto on my MacBook Pro (which I UPGRADED as INSTRUCTED) crashes EVERY DAMN TIME I TRY TO LOAD IT!!!!!!! Every time it crashes, it gives me a chance to send a “report” to Apple. I dunno who gets these reports (if anyone) but for a while, I spammed Apple with a blasted report every damn time it crashed. Because, fer kee-reist! I eventually backed off…

I kvetched to the GG when he got home from work tonight. He is calmer about troubleshooting this stuff than I am. But I ended up shooing him away from my computer. I was playing a little bit of phone tag with The Commander and trying to get dinner ready, yada yada yada. I think this problem will get sorted out. I HOPE I don’t have to resort to the Genius Bar or whatever to get it sorted out. For tonight, I have a work-a-round. (I am pretty good at work-arounds.) I emailed the photoooo to myself and saved it to a regular old jpg file and not iPhoto…

Never a dull damn moment…


One Response to “Living through the deep sh*t sound in the iCloud”

  1. Margaret Says:

    Hate, hate, HATE upgrading anything because the same stuff happens to me. Except that I’m not as great with tech with you, so I end up having to visit Ralf, who yells at me for being on Facebook. Hope the photo issue works out or you figure it out. Better you than me!!