Quirks Mode

UPS dropped a box off. It was from “Lucky, Inc.” and addressed to me and by its light weight, seemed like it was probably an article of clothing. Okaayyyy… I buy most of my clothing online but I couldn’t remember ordering anything from Lucky. I hadn’t even heard of Lucky!

When I opened the box, there was a pair of blue jeans in it. Now I was really confused. *I* ordered blue jeans? I have not worn blue jeans since whenever it was back in the 1980s that Calvin Klein changed the cut of my fave jeans. I can still remember the huffy attitude of the Hudson’s clerk that I kvetched to about this. I wasn’t blaming *her*. It wasn’t *her* fault and I knew that. I just expected some sort of commiseration or whatever. She wasn’t having it. She was one of those perfectly coiffed, nail-jobbed women who probably couldn’t operate either a computer or a diaper. She saw me as just a baggy old moom who didn’t deserve a pair of jeans that fit *and* was comfortable to wear. Huffity huff.

I have *never* found another pair of blue jeans that fit right, were comfortable, and I *liked*! Nowadays, I wear skirts or cotton/spandex leggings (or shorts when it’s hot). That means I don’t participate in Casual Friday and *that* has earned me the totally strange reputation of being more fashionable than some of the others on my team. Not. The truth is that I buy *all* of my clothing with an eye to comfort. It has to look good too but, if it isn’t comfortable, I send it back or donate it. Casual Friday is (I think) all about comfort. I am probably more comfortable in one of my fave skirts than I would be in ill-fitting blue jeans.

So, I was looking at these (very small) blue jeans and thinking, “I didn’t order those”, when I remembered!!! Mouse! Mouse came over last Sunday and she needed new blue jeans and I talked her into ordering some with my credit card. I like to spoil my children and I don’t get much chance to do that any more.

It is Thursday and I have eggplant parmesan in the oven and we are trying to decide what to do this weekend. We want to go to Houghton Lake but the thought of driving up there tomorrow night (3 hours) is just about killing me. Just traversing the eight miles from work to home on a Friday afternoon is like running a gauntlet. And then to head north? Apparation app? Please? I dunno what we’ll do…

One Response to “Quirks Mode”

  1. grandmothertrucker Says:

    go to Theatre Bizarre…… hurry before the tickets are gone!