To the moon, Newtie!

Things I am missing down on the Planet Ann Arbor:

My job! Even though I can do my job from here, for the most part I have been unable to FOCUS on anything that takes longer than a crossword puzzle or a round of Angry Birds.

Obama’s speech, although I would not have attended it anyway. I did see on fb that our own npJane got to shake Obama’s hand! [Disclaimer: Although I support Obama, I do NOT think he is God or the Supreme Zo or whatever and I doubt npJane does either. But still.]

Hare Krishnas walking and chanting at Fifth and Liberty. I wouldn’t have seen that either because I wouldda been at my, you know, JOB!

Walking down to the Old Town Barrrrooooomm on a Friday night, then walking home, taking my second shower of the day and collapsing.

My loverly dog-poopy cubicle, all of my loverly [not dog-poopy] colleagues, and the wildlife and ponds that surround my work place [probably somewhat dog-poopy].

Walking down to the Farmer’s Market early early on a Saturday morning, getting coffee at Roos Roast.

Urban hiking over by Barton Dam to check on the birdhouses the GG put up last winter.

My Mouse. Even though she is probably not all that happy about me discarding her supply of young mammalian quadruped stomach acid.

Walking to the Plum Market. Ooohhhh, walking to the Plum Market. Those people aren’t gonna recognize me when I finally get back over there.

5 Responses to “To the moon, Newtie!”

  1. DogMomster Says:

    (still trying to figure out what “young mammalian quadruped stomach acid” is, besides perhaps milk-laced HCl)

  2. DogMomster Says:

    ok… duhhrrrrr.. if only i’d googled it… rennet… not vegan…

  3. l4827 Says:

    Things we are missing up in da UP–the Northern Lights currently caused by the recent Solar Flares, snow and ice on the bay, bo-ats . . .

    Our thoughts and prayers to you up there.

  4. kayak woman Says:

    No boats. Season ended on the 18th.

  5. Margaret Says:

    Hoping that you’re finding some calm in the midst of the storm.