Thud! Thud! Thud! Clonk clonk clonk!
What the heck is all that noise? Well. That is yer fav-o-rite blahgger knocking on wood BIGTIME. Those clonks at the end are my HEAD banging on wood. Why? Because I canceled my “Genius” Bar appointment this morning. Why? Because a couple hours before the appointment, I decided, on a whim, to power up the dern
MacBookPro lemon. And guess what? The trackpad that was totally unresponsive a couple days ago WORKED! But wait a minute. Not so fast… When the trackpad on this MacBookPro lemon decides to go south, it USUALLY works for maybe about 10 seconds (tick-tock tick-tock) before it decides to quit. This time? Well, I dunno. tick-tock tick-tock tick-tock… The trackpad still worked… My appointment at the “Genius” Bar was at 11:15 and it was about 8:45. I decided to wait until 10:45 before making the decision to cancel. tick-tock tick-tock tick-tock. At 10:45 the trackpad was still completely functional. I canceled and now, seven hours later, so far so good… But I am waiting with bated breath. Fortunately, I have a backup computing device. Or two. Or five. But my MacBook Pro is still the mother ship.
And so, some people are out hiking Zion National Park but yer fav-o-rite blahgger is a “career girl” (an epithet I remember from childhood) and doesn’t get to take time off for boondoggles like that so she is spending her weekend picking away at flinging and cleaning the Landfill. I was asked earlier in the week if I wanted to buy a different house. The answer is complicated but I have to land at no. The Landfill is cluttered and tired and I am pretty much sick to death of it in a lot of ways. But. 1) There is a woods behind my house. 2) I can easily walk to my fav-o-rite grokkery store from here. 3) I can also walk to Knight’s Steakhouse, where they make the best ‘hattans anywhere except home. 4) It is a “safe” neighborhood, where I can walk in the dark and not feel afraid. (Yes, I know that bad people occasionally visit “safe” neighborhoods and I am always watchful.) We *could* buy another house if we wanted to and I know there are many people who move frequently and think it’s no big deal. But I have some different requirements than some others. And we also have the group home at Houghton Lake and the cabin on the moominbeach so the Landfill is kind of like a mother ship for us. We spend most of our time here but we have other places to go.
Still. I am tired of my house and I want to change it. I will probably not be able to do that until I get more of the flotsam and jetsam and cosmic debris out of it. I’m working on it. I felt like I went about six steps backward after the last trip to The Commander’s house. But one day at a time. I worked on it today. I will work on it tomorrow. Maybe the upcoming computer/electronics drop-off events will make me feel better about my progress… I figure that any house we might be able to afford to buy would have things I wouldn’t like so…
April 21st, 2012 at 7:25 pm
Hope the lemon has turned into lemonade!! (but I would have my doubts too) There are several things I would like to do with my house, painting, new carpet in many rooms, a different stairway, the girls to go through and get rid of a bunch of their crap in their rooms and the bonus room, etc. Still, I’m relatively satisfied with it, so it’s easier and more comfortable just to stay here. 🙂
April 21st, 2012 at 7:28 pm
We have struggled with the clean up/out so we can do improvements, or schedule the improvements so we have to clean up. We are on the latter track right now.
April 21st, 2012 at 8:36 pm
Tell the hikers to go visit my friend Karla Player at Red Rocks Jewelry in Springdale
She makes beautiful jewelry
April 21st, 2012 at 10:02 pm
Bill look like he is having a good time.
April 22nd, 2012 at 9:01 am
Quit pussyfooting around with the house!!!!
Anne, you have made this waaaaay too painful. Remember when Bill and I cleaned out my parents house in Royal Oak?
Here is Plan A:
1. Watch five or six episodes of “Hoarders” on Bravo. (if you don’t get it by then, you are toast)
2. Move all but the bare essentials to a storage unit. Give to Goodwill (and the real land fill) with wreckless abandon. Put everything on the curb for the scavengers to pick over. 90% of your stuff will be hauled away free.
3. Rent an apartment or house while 4. goes on.
4. Fix your house up as if you were going to make it ready for sale. Don’t cheap out on half way measures.
5. Then move back in with no shit allowed. This is HARD. Buy a burn barrel and use it.
Here is Plan B:
1. Watch five or six episodes of “Hoarders” on Bravo. (if you don’t get it by then, you are toast)
2. Move all but the bare essentials to a storage unit.
3. Rent an apartment or house while 4. goes on.
4. Fix your house up as if you were going to make it ready for sale. Don’t cheap out on half way measures.
5. Sell house. It’s a great feeling to be homeless for awhile.
6. Buy dream home that will get you through retirement or a little longer. This is way cool.
7. Move in with no shit allowed. This is HARD.
Here is Plan C:
1. Do a Roscommon re-fi (burn house down, collect insurance and rebuild. (I am not all all serious on this. Someone could get hurt.)
Here is Plan D:
1. Continue to pussyfoot around and have all this weigh on you.
2. Leave the house to your kids as is. Then it’s their problem. (They will do Plan A.2.&4.)