
What did I get done today? Hmmm…

— Harvested some basil from the pots in my back yard. Yaaaayyyy!!!

Played a bit of Bejeweled / Angry Birds / NYT xword / Cut the Rope, checked email / Twitter / Facebook / Google Reader.

— Ran my cute little Roooomba no less than THREE times in my front living room. Why? Because IT NEEDED IT! The first time I ran Roomba, she ran out of battery before she finished the room and I cannot tell you how much dust and fluff and scraps of flotsam and jetsam and cosmic debris and ugly old blonde-gray hairs I cleaned out of her. So, lather, rinse repeat and again, she ran out of battery before finishing the room. The third time was the charm and she finished up with her cute little victory song. (To which I *always* sing out, “yay!”)

Played a bit of Bejeweled / Angry Birds / NYT xword / Cut the Rope, checked email / Twitter / Facebook / Google Reader.

— Reorganized all of the stuff in the “Stuff that Needs to Go Back To The Moomincabin” “area” now that Lizard (and Dogmomster?) has transferred a few more [clean] towels and things back to me. Without The Commander up there as an ongoing cabin manager, we are going forward with a “Pack it in, pack it out” operating strategy and we are still working things out. Right now I think that *every* cabin towel is down here in Troll-land. Don’t get me wrong! I am greatly appreciative of the fact that I am sharing the place with a bunch of people who contribute in a *positive* way. People taking laundry home and washing it and pro-actively handing it off to the next person likely to travel to the moominbeach? Who the heck can complain?

Played a bit of Bejeweled / Angry Birds / NYT xword / Cut the Rope, checked email / Twitter / Facebook / Google Reader.

— FINALLY got sick of the overflowing scarf-hat-glub basket by the front door, looked it in the eye, took it downstairs, *washed* everything (that was washable) and left it all to air-dry. Current contents of the scarf-hat-glub basket? 1) Loverly Campmor kayak / sun hat and 2) rainbow-colored bumbershoot. Even managed to move my snow boots to a storage location of sorts.

Played a bit of Bejeweled / Angry Birds / NYT xword / Cut the Rope, checked email / Twitter / Facebook / Google Reader.

— Made myself get SERIOUS about organizing (again) all of The Comm’s papers and stuff. At least all of the stuff that is currently within reach. This has been an ongoing challenge even though The Comm was ingenious about organizing stuff. I am not quite so ingenious and I have the further complicating factor that I have TOO MUCH STUFF of my own, even with all the diligent flinging I have been doing. I have felt stymied about my flinging in recent weeks and I finally decided it was because I needed to make a more concerted effort to deal with The Comm’s effects. So I have given myself permission to take a mini-break from my own flinging…

In the old world — you know, like five years ago — I would’ve grabbed a pen and a notepad and started documenting all of her papers and other items. I would collect data about all of it to enter into a spreadsheet. I would’ve been thinking something like, “It would be so cool if I could photograph each of these things and attach the photo to the item’s spreadsheet row.” Except that… I am probably not an Excel super-user but I have been using it since it was Visicalc and I have done some pretty “sexy” things with it as the old-school geeks would say. Photos? Excel is not built for photos, at least not large numbers of them.

So… I got on the Internet… Hmm… There has to be something for the iPhone. And I found MyStuff2. And downloaded it for $4.99. And then spent the rest of the afternoon cataloging this and that along with photos of the items *and* their storage locations, etc. *And* I can email myself CSV files of my data [without the photos] that I can upload in Excel if I want. I love this app but I am just a bit nervous about my relationship with it. Will my enthusiasm run out? What happens if I put something in one storage location and then move it? Will I update the app? (Probably not.) But it’s a really cool app and we’ll see…

I know that I have GOT to get a handle on what I own. My stuff. Mom’s stuff. And it’s not like we own a 20-car garage full of luxury vee-hickles or diamonds or whatever. Most of this stuff is of *sentimental* value only. But I still have to go through it and make executive decisions about what to do with it.

Oh yeah, and then I played a bit of Bejeweled / Angry Birds / NYT xword / Cut the Rope, checked email / Twitter / Facebook / Google Reader.

And we are grillin’ steaks tonight. Way more than we can eat. Leftovers are always good!

Love y’all,

One Response to “Obsessive-compulsive”

  1. Margaret Says:

    Taking breaks is very important; you seem to have a handle on that! My husband is getting rid of a bunch of stuff lately; I think it’s because he doesn’t want me to have to deal with it later. 🙁 The sentimental value items are the most difficult to part with.