If you put my chair next to a pee rail, I can put my cocktail on it
It isn’t always very easy to get a good photooo of the moomincabin. There’s always a vee-hickle in the way or the propane gas tank or a bunch of junk on the deck… Actually, there is some junk on the deck but this one isn’t too bad. Someday I will have to post a few photoos of the place over the years. We originally built a low-budget one-story place with no deck and no amenities. Wood stove, outhouse, and cold running water to the kitchen sink via a garden hose (yes, really) from my uncle’s well. The short story is that when The Commander gained a daughter-in-law, she finally put in an indoor bathroom. It’s a small one but it works. When Lizard Breath was born (The Comm’s first granddaughter), she had a second story built. The GG put the pee rails in during the last few years of the grandparents’ lives. They were doing well but starting to get a bit rickety and we didn’t want any accidents. I made sure that the GG did *not* put a pee rail on the front of the deck (to the left in the photooo). I didn’t want to obstruct our view of Gitchee Gumee.
We had a lot of crap to do in town today. Removing almost all of the last bits of The Comm’s stuff from her house, cleaning the windows….., re-connecting with our carpet guy after doing the chicken dance for the last few weeks, going to the GG’s fave Parker’s Ace Hardware store, eating at Clyde’s. It rained throughout most of this. I was happy about this. We needed this rain. And then, we got back out to the moomincabin and I took a box of stuff out to the garage in a driving rainstorm and the next thing I knew, Mr. Golden Sun was out in full force.
Everybody was happy about the rain.
I spent the afternoon bagging up linens (we have a LOT of linens here) and then I walked the beach and *then* I sat up on the bank with whine, watching rainstorms move across Whitefish Bay.
And then, we were cooking duck breasts on the grill and the mean old grunchie old grinchie was coming down the back road. I ran like hell over to the grunchie’s place and managed to drag him back over here for grilled duck breast and rice and salad. And here are the boyz and I am done for the night.