Have yourself a squeaky little Christmas
Spit-take of the day: one of my [seemingly] right-wing conservative facebook “friends” posting that he wanted Jenny back. Jenny who? Our last governor [a democrat]. Why? It’s complicated but it has to do with our [current] wondrous governor, aka @one
ToughTermNerd and his signing (or not) of a whole bunch of hastily conceived bills that have been rammed through the state legislature during the lame-duck session. Maybe y’all have heard a bit about it on the news… I suspect fb friend is upset because 1) @oneToughTermNerd signed off on a right-to-work bill and 2) vetoed a bill to allow people to carry concealed weapons into churches, schools, day care centers, and other places. I suspect that fb friend is (or was) a union member and also owns guns. What is that old saying about polly-ticks and strange bedfellows? I’ll reserve my own opinion about @oneToughTermNerd’s latest adventures for some other post.
What is up with Instagram? Oh, yeah, facebook bought it out. I enjoy using Instagram. I like playing with the filters (or not) and I like how easy it is to upload photoooos (if you are not trying to upload them on the Edge network, which fails every time). I only have a few followers on Instagram and I like how I can post stuff there that I don’t really want to post on Twitter (too many random followers) or facebook (don’t want to subject everyone to everything). I think that facebook has chosen a disastrous model for monetizing Instagram and I expect Instagram will bleed users if it doesn’t change that model. We’ll see what happens…
Today… Can I just say Team Holiday Lunch at Mediterrano! I had a field greens salad, butternut squash ravioli and tiramisu, which there was no way I could finish. At the end of the luncheon, our own personal Santa Claus (who is a rabbinical scholar in his spare time) told us something like, “Before you all drift off, thank you for all your work”… well you know. And we did drift off… Some folks drifted to nearby Briarwood Mall, others home to check on dogz, some probably back to work. We all have stuff to do all the time and we manage it all but we were all thankful today for the extra couple of hours we were given.
Yer fav-o-rite blahgger drifted down the street to Whole Foods to obtain a couple of ducks for our Christmas dinner and then hit the freeway out to the Jackson Road Meijer for some other stuff. And got home just after four and spent the next hour or so nose to the grindstone busy with household chores and a wonderful storm of text / email messages and throwing together some chicken enchiladas.
For whatever reason, my usual (and hated) “Have yourself a merry little Christmas” earworm has not yet set in despite the title…
December 18th, 2012 at 8:39 pm
Facebook has been blowing up over instagram. I don’t use it, but none of my photos would be worth stealing anyway.