The Eagle Has Landed

And it took off with a brown mammal of some sort with a long thin tail. Larger than a mouse. This occurred right smack in front of my vee-hickle on the southbound I75 SUV Speedway somewhere near Houghton Lake. I felt rather lucky that I didn’t collide with it.

4 Responses to “The Eagle Has Landed”

  1. Pooh Says:

    Perhaps it was a muskrat?

  2. kayak woman Says:

    The tail looks right.

  3. sam Says:

    Opossum also possible; depends on habitat?

  4. kayak woman Says:

    Yeah, you’re right, ‘possum also has a thin tail. I *think* the ones in my back yard might have a lighter overall color but I didn’t get a *real* good look at this one. The habitat around there is woods and some swamp. I failed to keep track of the mile marker, not that it much matters 🙂