I was so much older then, I’m younger than that now…

grassInsert error aminal here. Just last Saturday, we walked down to the farmer’s market and there was still fresh produce everywhere, even some decent tomatoes. I couldn’t rouse the GG from whatever sleep cycle he was in at 0-skunk-30 this morning so I dressed up for the weather and trucked on down there on my own. Alas, not a whole lotta produce at all (I knoooowww it’s late autumn, what was I expecting). Lots of wreaths and other holiday things but I wasn’t about to stuff a wreath into my backpack, so I cruised through and headed back up the hill with an empty backpack for once. It’s okay, it was a good walk.

Today was also the day that beer runs in the streets in downtown Ann Arbor by 10 AM, aka, the Umich / Ohio State feetsball game. It was a gorgeous day and so the GG spacified me by walking downtown and over to the stadium and back to the Grizzly and finally home. I didn’t have any specific de-cluttering plans for today and so I was struggling to get going. Doodle-oop! I got a facebook message. Wanna meet up with the YAG moms over at Cafe Marie in a half hour? My pea-brain went nuts. What time is it? When was the message sent? Can I do this? Yes!!! These are some of the folks who helped keep me sane back in my youth theatre guild days. I changed outta my holey old leggings into a skirt, saddled up the Frog Hopper, and braved the football traffic to get across town. Fun, laughter, and love ensued.

When I got home, I fiddled and faddled around for a bit and then I peeked into one of the drawers in the old C-fam dresser in the Landfill front room, where I keep various “artifacts”. Some of them are mine or the GG’s, others are things from The Commander’s house that I have shoved in there willy-nilly (albeit carefully and bubble-wrapped). One thing led to another and I won’t go into the boring details but I’m feeling less overwhelmed about that teensy-tinesy little area of my life.

Talk today at lunch was a lot about what all of our kids are doing, etc. In my estimation, all of our kids are doing wonderfully well even if they are not earning a king’s ransom. It sounds like most of these young folks are able to afford to live without much parental (or government) support even though they are not MBAs or engineers or doctors or lawyers shysters ROCK THROWERS. We need those Creative Types (as my BFF calls them) in our culture.

2 Responses to “I was so much older then, I’m younger than that now…”

  1. TMOTU Says:

    I’m not as old as I used to be… I’m older.

  2. Margaret Says:

    My kids are in that same position. I would like them to be ultra secure, but that’s not the way of today’s world. Sounds like it was a great day!