The Blough Plows and The North Shall Rise Again

Nice slow *dry* trip from Gaylord to the yooperland this morning, no ice anywhere, well not on the roads anyway, thank you Zeus! Veered off the I75 SUV Speedway at Topinabee, taking the old highway up along Mullett Lake to the beautiful metropolis of Cheboygan, where we took care of a wee bit of business, then on up to cross the Big Mac.


Made a beeline for Clyde’s Drive-in down by the Sugar Island ferry dock. First Clyde’s (for us) of the season – hamburg on a bun with everything but. There’s the Mean Green Frog Hoppin’ Musheen facing in the *proper* direction toward the river.


Just for good measure, here is the ferry herself! The water is open enough here that she can do her job without interference but boats are stuck everywhere and I have a loverly little video on facebook of the Roger Blough plowing its way slowly down to the locks. The Blough aka Big Butt was on its way up to Marquette with a convoy of other ships and an icebreaker but it sustained some hull damage and had to return to the Sault. The convoy, as of this morning, was stuck near Whitefish Point.


We had a couple hours between check-in time at the Ojibway, so we headed out to the moominbeach to see what we could see. Good thing we didn’t entertain thoughts of staying in the moomincabin this weekend.


The obligatory photo of the huge drift that typically forms between the moomincabin and the Old Cabin every winter.


It took quite a bit of post-holing through soft, sometimes deceptively deep snow but we finally made it to the top of the bank. Did not even try to navigate the beach. Note that it is 50 degrees today with brilliant sunlight and no wind. A beach day under other circumstances.


The Blough has locked down. An Algo (forget which one) is locking up. We’re settled in to our room at the Ojibway and are meeting Jeep and Pan at Karl’s for dinner in a little while. It was a long fun day and it feels like an early night tonight.

Good night,
Kayak Woman

4 Responses to “The Blough Plows and The North Shall Rise Again”

  1. l4827 Says:


  2. Margaret Says:

    Glad you’re there–but that is a LOT of snow. There is a Cheboygan in Michigan? I’ve been to a Sheboygan in WI. 🙂

  3. Sam Says:

    Whew! Thnx for the photos! What a beee-uuuuu-teeeee-fullll day!

  4. Pooh Says:

    Is that a clothesline that is visible in the cabin pix, or a lifeline so people can find their way home in the blizzard? It seems to be going the wrong way for the usual clothesline.

    >Margaret, I’ve always wondered about Sheboygan, WI vs. Cheboygan, MI. Is it the same Native American word, but the French wrote it phonetically in MiCHigan, and the EngliSH wrote it phonetically their way in Wisconsin? Or maybe there’s another story.