Topsy Turvy
Speaking of livin’ in the moment, another of my Weekend on The Planet moments is my Saturday morning 0-skunk-30 trek down to the farmer’s market. I love walking down there in the dark (at this time of year) and being able to navigate the market without running down old ladies with walkers or babies in strollers. Our current routine is that I walk down, the GG meets me at Roos Roast (look for the yellow sign), we buy a donut-type breakfast, retreat with our coffee et al to a place to sit and eat and surf the internet. We check out Monahan’s seafood and Sparrow meats and then we buy whatever else is on The List and head home, where we do whatever chores we have scheduled, separately or together. The List? Usually it’s a loose mental list. Today, with Thanksgiving coming up, I actually had some specific things on my iPhone in Grocery IQ. I found everything but tomatoes and cukes. I knew I was pushing the season on those but they were available one week ago. I bought brussel sprouts on the stalk for the first time ever.
Hold up! That was sure a runaway train of a paragraph. I did NOT walk down to the farmer’s market at 0-skunk-30 this morning! Why not? Because everything was covered by a sheet of ICE!!! That’s why! Just check out Ninja with her cute li’l ice moustache. Instead, I got up, took a shower, and swung into action! Cleaned the refrigerator, did a couple loads of laundry, changed sheets, vacuumed (okay, Rooooomba vacuumed). I had other non-farmer’s market grokkery shopping to do and I was chomping at the bit to get it done so the GG and I slithered and slid over to the Plum Market shortly after it opened (at 8) to do *some* of that. Well, he slithered and slid. I didn’t even get as far as the next-door neighbors’ house before I returned to get my boots and YakTrax. Kee-reist! YakTrax are consumables. Brains and bones are not.
I still wanted to go to the farmer’s market and we finally did it via the Frog Hopper. By then it was almost lunch time and breakfast was pretty scarce this morning so I ordered us lunches from Panera in the car on the way home from the farmer’s market. The GG dropped me off at home and went to pick them up. I love the internet, don’t you?
I’ll spare you the rest of the details but today was a work day for me that would’ve made The Gumper proud, even though I didn’t wield a shovel or a rake or fix a motor of some sort.
At any rate, it was a pretty dreary Saturday here on The Planet Ann Arbor but the temps eventually rose to the 40s, which meant that I could actually take a walk down to and thru Miller Woods. I rather desperately needed that. I’m happy that I got so much housework done early this morning but my preference is to start my day with a walk.
Hope your day was good or productive or relaxing or whatever you wanted it to be. Love y’all,
November 22nd, 2014 at 6:30 pm
Significant melt here. For my daiiy walks, I have traded in my yaktrax for “stabliicers” (google it); but when conditions call for heavy duty traction, I have my Kahtoolas! The latter two wreak havoc on wood decks, however. Can you believe that the Sault has had 55 inches of snow this November….Brimley is +/- 5 inches. That is insane.
November 22nd, 2014 at 6:30 pm
November 22nd, 2014 at 11:50 pm
I’m glad you changed your walk to the non-icy part of the day. I SO HATE ICE!! Snoqualmie Pass was hammered here and was closed both east and west bound today. Not a good time for it with Thanksgiving travelers trying to get places and WSU students coming west for the holiday.
November 23rd, 2014 at 9:15 am
>Paulette, I guess Brimley is protected by Bay Mills, but the prevailing winds blow down the lake and St. Mary’s River, then dump on the Sault. That is an amazing difference maybe 12-15 miles difference as the crow flies.
November 23rd, 2014 at 9:34 am
I think Paulette means that Brimley’s difference is +/- 5 inches, not that Brimley only got 5 inches 🙂