“Mother’s March On Leftovers”

My Dear Uncle Harry is one of the funniest people I know* and although it’s a long time ago that I heard him say that, I’ve always remembered it. I’m sure he still says it. Probably some of his kids do too. Anyway, that’s what’s on the menu for tonight. A couple of baked chicken thighs, a bit of eggplant parm, noodles with pesto, asparagus (not quiiiiite in season here yet so trucked in from somewhere, can’t wait ’til Farmer John starts bringing his in), and salad (no tomatoes, no salad). No lunch needed tomorrow and going out to eat both Friday and Saturday nights.

It is hard to believe that anyone orbiting the Planet Ann Arbor will ever grow asparagus again, given the terribly beautiful white sparkly stuff that thickly carpets our town. Here is what it looked like last night.


And here is a view from Cubeland this afternoon.


And finally, out my front window before the sun set. I love random lens flares, don’t you? [wink]


These photoooos make it look cold and snowy here and it is! But what they don’t show is that 95% of the roads and 80% of the sidewalks are bone dry. I knew that driving would be a piece of cake today, so I commandeered my beloved Ninja to drive to work, thumbing my nose at November’s snow and ice. I began my Skunk Walk with YakTrax this morning but took them off after I got through the schoolyard. “They” are talking about 40s next week. Bring it!!!

* My Dear Uncle Harry is funny in that he has a wonderful, rather dry sense of humor, *not* that he is “funny” in some weird way. Love.

3 Responses to ““Mother’s March On Leftovers””

  1. Margaret Says:

    It looks incredibly beautiful and serene. As long as the roads and sidewalks aren’t dangerous, you can enjoy it! We are in the 60s and breaking records left and right.

  2. Sam Says:

    You’re taking me back…. It’s been Dagwood’s as far back as I can remember (web says since late 40s). Next time, consider Dublin Square the next block up from Beggar’s…we’ve been enjoying in lately on our EL stops meeting up with Dougeth, another UP-connected friend.

  3. Sam Says:

    Whoops; somehow got on wrong day….