“Your iPhone has never been backed up to this computer”

fairydoorOof. What a painful, annoying day but in a first world way! Did you infer all of that by the title?

Lemme see… It was a gorgeous (cold) morning and I kind of wanted to do a Glacial Moraine Ride while we can still see the bones of the trees. But taxes. *Finally* done with taxes. I wasn’t involved except for listening to the sighs in the back room and dredging up a few pieces of paper… Not that there is any kind of problem. Just that this stuff is painful, especially if you have to spend a Sunday morning on it. It was okay. I gassed up the Ninja and did a wee bit of grokkery shopping.

And then I decided it might be a good day to *finally* upgrade my iPhone (5S) operating system. That kicked off a whole chain of events. First I had to upgrade my MacBook Pro to Yosemite. That took a couple hours. I got everything upgraded, or so I thought. But then, Lizard Breath came over and we walked downtown (through Miller Woods and West Park!). We bought books at Literati, checked in with Mouse at Kilwin’s, and then took the GG (who drove downtown) over to the Grizzly to help him drown his sorrows over doing the damn taxes.

We hitched a ride back over to the west side with the GG. There was yet another software update (sigh). Thankfully it was a quick one And then. Stuff started coming outta the sky. Lizard Breath and I walked over to the Plum Market with high winds and hail-like pieces of precipitation pinging us in the face. I am now going through the pain of upgrading my iPhone’s operating system. Shouldda done this many moons back. I was afraid to do this last fall because folks that I know had horrifically difficult experiences. But, yaknow what? It actually worked out well for me!

4 Responses to ““Your iPhone has never been backed up to this computer””

  1. Sam Says:

    Title: uh-oh. Glad for the news in the last line!

  2. Sam Says:

    Now you can try time-lapse photos!

  3. Tonya Says:

    I just wish Photostream would work between my iPhone and PC. I’ve tried everything. Completely uninstalled iCloud and reinstalled it, I don’t know how many times. So frustrating, because when it worked, I really loved that feature.

  4. Margaret Says:

    I am terrified of doing any upgrading, because it seems like things then don’t work very well! Glad that it worked out for you, this time. LOL