T! G! I! F!

That is about all I have to say. We did our usual Friday Planet Ann Arbor routine tonight. Walked downtown to the Oscar Tango and here is what Miller Woods looks like at this time of year. Yes there were insects. But not moe-skee-toes…


The Admiral was hanging about in West Park’s recently installed Water Feature. I tiptoed carefully across the footbridge so I wouldn’t scare him but I needn’t have worried. Someone and their dog were walking along the cement path and The Admiral didn’t even get spooked by them. He must be plenty used to people and dogs and things because I took this from literally yards away from him. I had the zoom on but the pic really would’ve been better without it. Oh well. Who knew he’d be so tame. Except, look into a heron’s eyes sometime if you can get close enough to him while he’s fishing…


Mr. Detroit at the Oscar Tango with a gratuitous shot of “our” waitress’s arm serving somebody something.


We missed the Mayor’s Green Fair back in June this year. We were up at Houghton Lake, hiking and cruising on the Pontoon Bote. We didn’t miss the old car show Rolling Sculpture Car Show this year though.


Taaarrrred. Headed back up the hill watching the faaarflies (so many!). Talk tonight was of cemeteries but not the “Have I got a plot for you” sort of talk (thank you god). Our conversation defied description and I’m still scratching my head about the issues. Pine Grove was mentioned. I guess I’ll have to pay a bit of a visit there next time I’m up to see various relatives’ graves and figure out if there is a rhyme or reason to the direction they face (some of them *up* since they are just flat little rectangles (not sure what you call those, hence some [unsuccessful] googling). I have not personally put anyone into a plot at Pine Grove (actually pretty sure I don’t own any plots there). The remains of those who I have been entrusted with are in urns at the Moomincabin. Not really sure what The Comm thought about all of that (except that she agreed with cremation). But would she have preferred some sort of proper burials with gravestones? Not sure and she sure didn’t talk to me about it…

Okay, so now that I have googled gravestones et al, I suppose that gravestones and caskets and catacombs, etc., will be showing up on my facebook feed for the next few months. Jeebus!


One Response to “T! G! I! F!”

  1. Margaret Says:

    I hate googling anything these days because of what will show up in the ads. Ack!! I love fireflies; we don’t have any here. 🙁