Cloud atlas
Nothing like ending a beautiful midsummer weekend with a flurry of text messages with the beach urchins. That is, with Lizard Breath. Mouse was also copied on them but I bet she is at work and probably (rightfully) annoyed about being pinged 59 gazillion times.
Our convo began by me checking in to say, simply, “Home”, to let them know that we didn’t meet some kind of unthinkable fate out there on the southbound I75 SUV Speedway. Trust me, when your kids start veering off into 30-something territory (yikes!), they start caring where you are. Actually, we took the Cheese Route today so for 40 miles or thereabouts, we paralleled the Speedway on one of our fave Old Roads.
I had a lot of words in me earlier but I’m kind of done with them for now. I was thinking about meeting my now 30-something nephew when he was driving a Big Wheel up and down his parents’ driveway and how he and his wonderful wife now bring their small children to HL and how, when we all drive the Pontoon Bote over to the grokkery store (where they have installed a wonderful new dock for their bote customers), he and I are often amongst the folks who trek across the parking lot to pick up food and confer a bit about it. Who knew… The Lord of Linden also helps when he is there.
The CFam (the GG’s fam) and the FinMacMuFam (my fam) create good citizens. That is just about all.
Except that getting a Cloud atlas photooo involves lying back on a seat on the Pontoon Bote in the middle of Houghton Lake, pointing your iPhone up and clicking the button.
Love you all, KW
July 19th, 2015 at 7:10 pm
That’s an incredible photo–with an iPhone no less! Mine does take excellent pictures too, but only in certain lights. (not so great in dark situations)
July 19th, 2015 at 8:35 pm
Thanks for suggesting the Cheese Route to us several aeons ago…we very much enjoyed it and it’s in the mix when we contemplate the various possibilities whether north- or south-bound….
July 20th, 2015 at 5:53 pm
Did you make kale tacos?