Unintelligibility from the Hotel Ojibway

About all I have to say is that War Memorial seems to have some kind of strange hold on my family. All is well here in Sault Ste. Siberia and no it did not involve me or Titanium Pinky (who drove the Ninja and its 6-speed manual transmission the five hours it takes to get up here with the aplomb of the Flute Finger she once was and is going to be again soon!)

P. S. The moon is bee-yoo-ty-ful tonight. Wish you were here! 💜

(Oh my, I just caught myself acting like The Commander. You don’t want to know.)

6 Responses to “Unintelligibility from the Hotel Ojibway”

  1. Margaret Says:

    War Memorial? I am acting more and more like my mom, sometimes to my dismay. 😉

  2. elizabeth carter Says:

    Appendicitis,right? I received information from Randy, who heard about it on the telephone, from Julia in Colorado, that my brother Bill, your GG had his appendix out and Bob is there with you and your daughters are on their way there now. Let us know the story soon please.

  3. Sam Says:

    Thinking of you (all)…

  4. Jay Says:

    And I was just paying some bills to War Memorial …

  5. elizabeth carter Says:

    Thank you for the email. Glad everything and everybody is okay. But it is a big deal, he deserves a consolation prize…did it hurt? I hope it didn’t last very long before they helped him.

  6. Paulette Attie Says:

    Poor GG! Hope that he is on the mend soon. What a way to spend a September weekend in the Sault.