
I dunno where to start here. I am just taaaarrrred. I was so tired tonight that I called a taxi to get us home from the Oscar Tango. Except I didn’t have to call anyone and it wasn’t an official taxi. I just asked the folks across the table from us if we could have a ride home. Of *course*! I mean, they are always offering rides. “It’s too cold to walk.” “It’s too hot to walk.” “It’s too windy to walk.” Whatever. We almost never take them up on a ride home. We *like* to walk home from the Oscar Tango after dinner on Friday night. Tonight? I dunno. I used the GG’s recent medical adventure as an excuse but really, I think he would’ve been fine (even though it was his *second* walk downtown today). I think it is meeeeee who is taaaaarrrred.

The last week has been quite something, beginning with an unscheduled visit to the surgical facilities at War Memorial Horsepittal, then a gorgeous weekend hiking and camping at the unseasonably warm (and green) Tahquamenon Falls area. I just about bit the bullet late last Saturday afternoon but I am not a napper and eventually caught myself a bit of a second wind. A long and somewhat complicated day of driving on Monday, then four days of work with a final visit to the bone doc squeezed into it all. It was all good. Just, goddamn, am I tired or what? I will be up and walking to the farmer’s market early tomorrow morning. I wonder if they’ll still have local corn down there. I hope they do. If so, it’ll be the last.

I was telling W1.5 and the LSCHP some of the possible reasons we might actually take a ride home from the OT. Thunderstorms? Definitely! Then there was the time the GG wore the wrong boots. It was a cold winter night and his feet hurt and we took an actual taxi. I mean one we found on the street, not a taxi of porterization. And one cold, windy night last winter when I was on the edge of a cold virus. I decided I didn’t want to walk home (not that a cold normally stops me) and then I woke up at that Batscope Hour with a low-grade fever and sore throat. Good decision, eh?

Tonight? Just tired. Thanks, friends.

One Response to “Ka-whomp!”

  1. l4827 Says:

    A good time was had by all the whole time.