The winter of 1979 was very cold.

winterwavesThis is a guest post from my wonderful accomplice in life, the GG, aka The Grumpy Growler, one half of the Twins of Terror. Father of Lizard Breath and Mouse. He is recounting the anniversary of his first professional type job. It happened on this date, February 5, back in 1979, and he is still employed in the computer science industry nowadays. Er, actually he *is* one of “those screw-balls at the EPA.”

The GG sez:

First day of work after college.

Drove my dad nuts because I screwed around for six months before looking for a job.

First day of work at Computer Sciences Corporation working on contract for the Environmental Protection Agency.

Rich Fuderich (con man) was the boss.

Working with
Anne Regenstreif (connector of me with the Garbage Woman)
Doug Woodring (erudite limnologist and perfesser).
Dick Snyder (over the hill computer guy of much interesting early computer software history).
Jim Black (from another planet (Zefron?) and wonderful guy).
Ginny Kimball (I liked Ginny – we attended her wedding and I think she still lives in Ann Arbor).
Carol Schultz (too complicated and eventually became a lawyer)
Mike Swigert (big old nice guy from San Fran who took a great photo of sister Susie at a fair in Pennsylvania)
Bev the secretary (she had herpes!)
Alden Bost (a “control engineer” and general lunkhead).
The Chinese guy. (gimme time – I’ll remember)
The Black guy. (gimme time – I’ll remember)

EPA was a real piece of work – what a bunch of screw-balls!).

Working for EPA has been interesting and nothing like anything else YOU know

5 Responses to “The winter of 1979 was very cold.”

  1. Marquis Says:

    I’m confused, I thought GG graduated in ’76?

  2. Kathy Farnell Says:

    It seems to me I happened to drop by the Woodsboro house one day. I don’t remember the year, but Dad was out in the front yard tossing a baseball back and forth with one of the twins. He was asking questions about Gay and the kids, how things were at your work -family life etc… I got out of the car, listened to the conversation for a minute then called out, “Hi Bill!” Dad looked at you with a puzzled look on his face and said, “You’re Bill?” You had stopped by the barber shop (the first stop in several years) and then dropped by so dad could see how nice you looked. It really was quite funny. I don’t know if GG remembers that day, but I won’t ever forget it. I don’t remember it being February because it was a beautiful day. Nice enough to be playing ball in the yard. But I do know that you had gone to get the haircut because it was time to start looking for a “real” job. As for the 1976 graduation – maybe it took until 1979 to find a job. Only The GG can explain that one.

  3. Pooh Says:

    Ready the wayback machine, Bullwinkle!

  4. kayak woman Says:

    The GG could’ve graduated in ’76 if the nun he had in 4th (?) grade hadn’t liked him and his twin of terror so much that she kept them back for another year! Or if he’d graduated in three years, I guess.

  5. isa Says:

    i want aunt kathy to start a “wayback machine with the c____ family” blog. weekly stories about the garth and sally household. actually, i would love to get them on tape.