A quickie (or whatever)

It has been a dreary week. I actually greatly enjoyed the heavy rain we endured for a few days. It decimated the last of the recent Big Snowfall and all of the blasted ice and this morning the sidewalks were dry when I walked and the woods was not too swampy. Freezing rain had been predicted and so when I looked out the window a while after I got home and saw precipitation, I wasn’t sure what form it had taken. As it turned out it was NOT ice. Whew. I was able to 1) commute to Cubelandia and 2) drive my cute li’l Ninja over there. We will get more snow before it’s all over but winter seems to have broken (knock on wood).

This has been a baby week. There was the newborn gosling and then when I got to work today, I was surprised to see Building Mom carrying a baby in the lunchroom. Say what? Turned out that it was Farmer John’s six-month-old granddaughter. He was outside fumbling with her car seat and Building Mom was holding her so she could see her grandaddy. Some kind of complicated scheduling situation had brought her to work with him for a while and we were all the better for it. What a cute little dolly.

FZ did not bring in his dog’s new pups. Seven girls and one boy and mama dog was more than ready to get it all over with. Flat coat black labs if I have it right. They are beautiful dogs. Out of the last litter (which was eight boys and two girls), they kept one puppy as a show dog. His name happens to be Tigger, which is the same name as my childhood dog, who was a mutt and a stray puppy when my dad’s boss’s wife found her.

I will never forget sitting on the old log pile outside the old cabin with various cousins waiting for my Tigger dog to arrive. And when she did? What did I do? I totally freaked out. I was afraid of dogs then. But later, after Tigger got done bouncing (because that’s what Tiggers do), she went to sleep in a nice cozy box and I was able to pet her and she quickly became My Dog and I haven’t been afraid of dogs since that day. I don’t like when random dogs jump up on me but I don’t blame the dogs, I blame their owners.

One Response to “A quickie (or whatever)”

  1. Margaret Says:

    That’s a cute age for babies! I want a grandchild! (but not until my girls are ready of course)