I used to ski those black diamonds. I can’t say I skied them with any style, grace, or speed.

pengiesNever broke a bone. Never ran into a tree. Never flew off the edge at the dog leg on old number 1. Too terrified of the old ski jump at Minneapolis Woods to try that. It was mostly boys who were into that anyway. That was sorta before girls did sports in a big way. Whole ‘nother topic, I guess. But I wouldda been scared anyway. Nevertheless, I do not do downhill any more. XC only.

In a way, I wanted to stay at the blasted Landfill this weekend. I can’t remember the last time I was there for a whole weekend. What a gadabout I am getting to be. I wanted to get some stuff done. But. It is the end of February. We figured that this might be the last reliable weekend of skiing. And it’s even iffy this weekend. The snow is crusted over with ice. Between that and the pin oak leaves or whatever they are, the skiing may very well be crappy.

It’s okay. The company’ll be good. And the drive up? Dry pavement. No traffic jams. Cloudy skies clearing almost completely as we drove. When we got off the freeway, there was just a slight little smidge of light at the western horizon. With the Moon and Venus in conjunction hanging in the darkness above. Both in crescent phase. Gorgeous.

Oh yeah, forgot to mention that Blind Boys of Alabama were on the radio!

3 Responses to “I used to ski those black diamonds. I can’t say I skied them with any style, grace, or speed.”

  1. Margaret Says:

    I’m glad that the view was worth the trip–now I’ll hope for good skiing for you!!!

  2. Dog Mom Says:

    Good luck with skiing (or at least having decent weather for alternative outdoor exercise!). Guess this is yet ANOTHER year I have failed to make it out on my XC skiis… can’t go this weekend due to prior commitment (Red Cedar Festival in Okemos this afternoon) and a recovering Nook who’ll be dog-watching while I’m gone…

    So, it’s off to the body shop this AM to get (hopefully) one LAST item corrected on DGSLD, do a bit of grocery shopping, get Nook set up with whatever she needs for comfort, then off to Okemos! Will be meeting with the 3 Lintulas – their band is scheduled to perform right after the one I’m in! (AGAIN – so we cannot get to listen to each other AGAIN 😡 ). At least we can do a bit of “catch up”, as it’s been a couple years since the last Festival…

  3. Pengie Says:

    beautiful picture! proper penguins on a stone-berg. we have a penguin just like one of those here in our basement.