This summer, Anne Arbour
A wonderful evening featuring dinner at our fave Grizzly Peak, followed by a little walk up and down a couple blocks of Main Street. With cousins! npJane, Cap’n *Queen* Leila (newly arrived from a summer in Good Old Floriduh, red tide and all), and C*Q*L’s mom. Did I mention that C*Q*L’s brother is starting his freshman year at Umich tomorrow. If. He. Gets. Down here by noon, which is his move-in time. Currently he and his friends are up in the yooperland working on his automotive vee-hickle, which is in about a gazillion pieces. Did I mention that C*Q*L’s sisters have already been delivered to their colleges, where they are also beginning their freshman year? Yes, C*Q*L’s siblings are triplets. Can you imagine sending triplets off to college in three different locations? I cannot. Their mom (my 1st cuz once removed) is managing it all with aplomb.
Lemme see… Way more years ago than I am strong enough to count, we took our oldest beach urchin over to college for her freshman year. I remember cooking a bunch of breakfast type stuff the night before so we could simply heat things up in the morning. Guess what? In the morning? NO ONE COULD EAT ANYTHING!
Upon arriving at Kzoo College, we found that we had to schlep all of her stuff up something like four flights of stairs. We *could* have enlisted the help of various student athletes but nooooooo, we were tough, we could do it ourselves. Jeebus. For whatever reason, the GG was all roto that day (don’t you need to go get your ID and/or do this or that or this other thing). The beach urchin finally pulled me aside and stage whispered something like, “Can you get dad to settle down?” I’m not sure I did. He was acting like he does when he is under the stress of a major life change and I was kind of “underwater”, as I (usually) get under those same conditions. Yes, really.
At the end of that day, when we got back to the Landfill, I had to go and manage some YAG auditions. I left the GG sitting in the beach urchin’s old room with a ‘hattan. Shell-shocked? I dunno. In truth, I was also very nervous about leaving my child at college. I was somehow thinking she was still the shy(?) little *4-year-old* kid I left at kindergarten all those years ago. The 4-year-old kindergartner who did just fine despite her teacher’s initial “horror” at her young age and small size. The 17-year-old college freshman was absolutely fine at college and has grown into a wonderful well-adjusted adult and responsible citizen of our country and planet.
Oh yeah, we may not have been able to eat the wondrous breakfast I had pre-cooked that morning but we did end up eating a late breakfast in the college cafeteria with all of the other Planet Ann Arbor parents who were also dropping their kids off there, all friends of our kid. We were all pretty relaxed by that time.
August 30th, 2018 at 11:24 pm
I remember how surreal it felt to drop our kids off at college. I was the fussy (roto?) one, while Patt was the calm steady rock. No surprise there!