
I have officially declared my MacBook Pro keyboard to be hosed. I suspect moisture is involved. I do not think it is simply humidity related but I don’t remember a catastrophic incident like the time I accidentally tipped a wine glass over onto a keyboard. This time, functionality has been deteriorating since the last time I was up here at the moomincabin. All I can say is that my laptop sat out and often open and anyone (including me) could easily have dribbled water or juice or coffee or beer or whine or ‘hattan into it at any time and not noticed. The GG set up this lamp tonight hoping to dry it out. I appreciate his help but I am skeptical and suspect a trip to the Apple store is in my future. (There are no Apple stores in the UP. I thought maybe Marquette? But no. Nothing north of Lansing or Grand Rapids. It’s okay. That was just idle curiosity and I can wait until I get back to the Planet Ann Arbor.)

For now I am reduced (or maybe elevated) to blahgging from my iPhone. This is a lot easier than it used to be because uploading photos is a lot simpler than it used to be.

At any rate, we met up with my BFF Sam and jcb (aka The Guru) at Clyde’s for lunch today. Following their lead, I had my first ever bison burger. It was loverly and a little less messy than the hamburger I had two days ago although I can’t tell you how many napkins I used because I lost count. After Clyde’s, we all decamped to the moomincabin, where we spent the afternoon on the deck, entertained by C*Q*L after her school got out. Dinner and a beautiful sunset followed and our friends hit the highway back to their own yooperland cabin.

G’night. Sleep tight. Don’t let the bedbugs bite. —KW

One Response to “Hosed”

  1. Margaret Says:

    It’s tough for me to blog without a regular keyboard. I have hosed a couple of keyboards, but not a laptop one…yet.