EOS = End of Summer, at least for us at the moomincabin. So people have questions about the moomincabin and Hoton Lake too, for that matter. Here are some answers.

If you live in the Great Lake State, you are familiar with the term “going up north” or some variation of that. Some people escape the hustle and bustle of life in SE Lower Michigan by going “up north”. Going up north can mean staying at a fancy resort or a rustic cabin or a campground. A lot of us own our own “cabin” or “cottage” (I prefer the term “cabin” but that’s what I grew up with, in the beginning, literally a log cabin.)

The GG and I confuse people because we actually have two cabins to visit. This is not because we are filthy rich or because we are greedy. We are neither. We are BLESSED to have ancestors who bought vacation property waaaaay back when (early 1920s for my fam) and we share each property with family members. Well maybe we are greedy since we continue to keep up both pieces of property.

Hoton Lake is three hours from here on the biggest inland lake in Michigan and is (nowadays) a modern house that we don’t have to shut down for the long winter so I won’t talk about that tonight. The moomincabin is more like five hours north. It’s on the upper St. Marys River looking out into Lake Superior and we have Big Water around there.

We have to close the moomincabin for the winter. The moomincabin is open underneath and that is where the pipes are so they would freeze and break if we didn’t empty all of the water from the system and pour antifreeze into it and whatever it is that the GG does. He does most of this stuff. I have done it before (with The Commander) but it would take a long nervous time for me to do it alone. I am a pattern person, not a story problem person. (That’s a reference to a convo I had with my engineer brother back in the Jurassic Age. Go figger.)

We could close the moomincabin later in the season, early October maybe? The problem is that we are five hours away. If we were even two hours away and an October snowstorm was predicted, we could shoot up there in short order and close the place. That doesn’t work all that well from five hours away. Sorry…

Among the other stuff that we do when we close the moomincabin is remove every single bit of food, perishable or not, from the refrigerator and shelves. That’s my job. Oh man it can be a mess. How the heck are we gonna fit all these bags of food in the Frog Hopper and then there’s the hour or so I spend at the other end when we finally land on The Planet Ann Arbor and I have to fit all of the leftover food into my own chitchen. And then there’s the laundry but we’ll go there some other day.

As is usual after we turned off our water, I used my Dear Uncle Harry’s outhouse before we left.

A wrap on a beautiful moominbeach summer.

One Response to “EOS”

  1. Margaret Says:

    What fun to have two get away places! And you also love where you live, which my brother has said is a fabulous place. I now want to visit! 🙂