I’ll tradeja a yooper-type snowblower for an aubergine glass vase

’tis the season to be… Oh well. How jolly can you be when stress dreams about creating BAI files invade your REM sleep. Jeebus. And then I got over to Cubelandia and I thought, I’ll just do that cute li’l quizzy I have to do by the 29th. And so I went out to Corporate Classroom City and (yikes), there were TWO more quizzolas I had to do! The first li’l quizzy was just a simple, acknowledge that you’ve downloaded and read the PDF. The second two… Well, they were not about BAI files (which I know inside and out) but they *were* about ACH files, etc. (which I also know inside out). Still, reading a bunch of Corporate Buzzword Legalese Word Salad and taking a quizzy at the end? Not my fave. But then! I aced both quizzolas. 100% on each! I’ve always been good at multiple choice. So not a bad start to the day. P.S. EVERYBODY was complaining about TWO extra quizzolas getting sneaked onto the roster over the weekend. C’mon.

And then the whole whaddya want fer xmas thing came up in the late afternoon. Well, I already knew what the GG wants but he had spec’ed it all out for me and I get to choose to drive the Trash Trailer over to Lowe’s or drive over there *with* him and (I guess) use my own debit card to pay for it even though it all comes outta the same bucket.

I’ll let y’all guess what he wants for xmas. In the meantime, he snagged my old coot’s yooperland snowblower from the Group Home at Houghton Lake and hauled it down here in the Trash Trailer. No flat taaaarrrs this trip, thank you very much, although I wouldn’t have been there to panic because I was hanging out down here on the loverly Planet Ann Arbor. He was having trouble getting it started but eventually he did and I dunno what’s next exactly but I suspect this old snowblower will go back to HL.

My old coot decided he was dun dun dun with shoveling when he was 75. Oh, he still did a lot of detail work. But I think he was sick of doing all that grunt work every single dern day up in the yooperland. Hmmm… If I am accurate in my mathematical calculations, the old coot would be 99 now. The young man I bought [late season] tomatoes from at the farmers market last weekend made it a point to show me a phone photo of the guy who GROWS them. He is 94 and was a pilot in WWII, like my dad.

All I can think of that I “want” for xmas is an aubergine glass vase to add to one of my mini-collections. I’m sorry. I may think of some more bits and pieces but I do not NEED much of anything. I know I am a broken record here. The problem is that I have to pick the vase out myself. I saw one at Treasure Mart a few years ago that was perfect. I did not buy it… I do not know why. It was $55. The GG thinks that’s a lot for a vase. I disagree but that, plus the fact I had walked down there, made me hesitate. Oh and I wasn’t looking for an aubergine vase… … … Alas, I still regret it. Still, I need to pick out my own vase. We’ll see what I can find.

One Response to “I’ll tradeja a yooper-type snowblower for an aubergine glass vase”

  1. Margaret Says:

    I’ve learned that when I see something I really want, I need to buy it right then. Afterward, I won’t be able to find it or anything like it again. I have no ideas for Xmas for anyone else or for myself. It’s partly why I’m not a fan of the holiday.