Happy Birthday Bubs
Flowers by Pooh, blogged by iPhone.
Busy day. Walk, breakfast, urban hike by river, pics to follow. Mouse and Jim arrive. Mouse and Moom to REI and Whole Foods via Dogha. GG and Jim to EPA via Ninja. The UU and The Beautiful Gay pick up Jim. Mouse and Moom walk to Plum Market (yes another grokkery store trip and *yes*, that’s three times to the Plum in three days. GG walks to Bugs & Horsey’s house by way of the Brown Jug barroom. Mouse and Moom watch Metropolis for a while, then head over to Bugs & Horsey’s house for birthday dinner with Bugs, Horsey, and Jane. Mouse leaves for kzoo. I officially turn into a pumpkin at 8:21 PM, EDT. Home, babble incoherently on internet and kerflop.
March 22nd, 2009 at 10:00 pm
Katie’s birthday is today, too and she is 44. This was also Elizabeth Finlayson’s b’day.
March 23rd, 2009 at 8:01 am
I remembered it was Katie’s birthday, too, and almost put it in Mark’s blog. I did not know that it was (Great) Aunt Elizabeth’s birthday also.
March 23rd, 2009 at 6:25 pm
Thanks for posting the picture of the flowers. It’s always nice to see what you ordered.