In Which The Beautiful Gay and Kayak Woman Collaborate to Successfully Complete a Complex Technological Project While Various Nagers Watch from the Peanut Gallery

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3 Responses to “In Which The Beautiful Gay and Kayak Woman Collaborate to Successfully Complete a Complex Technological Project While Various Nagers Watch from the Peanut Gallery”

  1. Webmomster Says:

    Mrs. Timm never liked it when I said “…in which…”, and I could never figure out why.

  2. kayak woman Says:

    Not being an English major (although I was once encouraged in that direction by a college prof — “no thanks, I’m gonna play the flute, er, or do math, er” — roight — whole ‘nother blahg that’ll prob’ly ever get written ;-))

    Anyway, I’m not sure in what way it’s incorrect to use “in which.” But it probably is. But Winnie the Pooh chapters were often titled that way, i.e., “In Which Piglet Meets a Heffalump” and I *think* Dickens started his out that way too but I’m way too lazy to look that up right now.

    So Cheers! And I’d prob’ly go with what Mrs. Timms said, at least for formal writing. 🙂

  3. Webmomster Says:

    …she was a Strange Bird… and succeeded often in making her classes rather *uncomfortable*.