Grocery shopping schizophrenia
So for about the third time since you-know-when, I started to put “canned sliced black olives” on a list of stuff for my main grocery delivery rodent to pick up for me. Then I thought, “WAIT A MINUTE!” Why am I onesy-twosy-ing her with an item that I can actually buy a *few* of and keep around? And then I thought, “In fact, why am I asking her to buy esoteric items like that at all?” I can probably buy them online.
And so I can and I spent Sunday morning ordering “stuff” from Amazon: canned sliced black olives, canned diced green chiles, bread crumbs, pizza sauce, TRISCUITS🐽, pizza crust mix, tamari (LOL-private joke), and I fergit what else. I didn’t buy cases of these things but most of them came in multiples and I think six was the biggest pack I bought. These are things I will use eventually and I don’t want my rodent to be wandering all over the place looking for them every time she shops for me.
This is counter-intuitive to how I usually shop. I usually buy stuff only when I need it but that’s when *I* am doing my own shopping. Oh sure, mishaps occur. I get really annoyed when I buy something thinking I’m out of it only to find that I have something like FIVE at home. This MOSTLY happens at the end of the summer when the moomincabin and the Lyme Lounge get emptied out and I end up with like three half-full yellow mustards, etc. at the Landfill.
And the beat goes on…
P.S. In case you were wondering, I am on the other side of a big pane of glass from this masked rodent and actually a few feet back from that so yes we are social distancing. It was this rodent who convinced me to stop any kind of shopping back in early March. It didn’t take much convincing because I was already pretty freaked out. I suspected COVID was already lurking at that time via asymptomatic carriers and it turns out I was probably right. STAY HOME, no matter what the politicians tell you to do. Most of them, especially the Orange Baboon, have no clue how successful viruses spread.
April 29th, 2020 at 7:39 pm
Smart move! I’ve been ordering for pick up several times, and then going into the store (masked) to get what they can’t or won’t find for me. They aren’t as diligent as your personal shopper! The OB has no clue how anything works, nor does he understand viruses. He is definitely not a stable genius because he fits neither word.