Where is my tin foil hat?

If I can find this artifact, I may or may not wear it on Halloween, although it would be appropriate for that “holiday”. I will definitely wear it on Election Day, which isn’t a holiday but arguably should be.

So when you live with a creative-type pensioner, you never know what you might find when you come home from a long day of slaving away at rent-paying activities. We’ll talk about some of those some other day and of course I don’t “come home” from work any more because I work FROM HOME. On THIS particular day in late August 2016, I did go to Cubelandia and I came home to this.

Where is it now? I do not know. If the GG does not know, I bet I can get him to make me a new one. It is based on a “pressman’s” hat that he learned to make out of newspaper when he was a kid with a paper route. He made this hat out of newspaper and covered it with tin foil. Er, actually it’s aluminum foil. Of course, he is also using my onion glasses.

We will not be handing out Halloween candy up close and personal from our front door like we usually do. I do NOT think the traditional trick-or-treat (or “shoe on”) format is a good thing this year. I know people are planning creative things like “chutes”. We’re not doing that. Our tentative idea is to set out a table with a bowl of candy for kids/families to take at their own risk, which should be low given that “we” have figgered out (maybe) that the virus is not easily transmitted via surfaces. Plus *we* (in our household) have been isolating for MONTHS! If it’s warm enough, we may sit outside at a safe distance, if not, we’ll stay inside. We usually don’t get a ton of trick-or-treaters anyway but we love the ones we do get.

I so miss the old days when our kids went trick-or-treating. Especially the year that our mouse baby had *finally* glommed on to shoes and at every house where we knew the folks well enough that we went inside the door, our mouse looked at the shoe pile by the door (we ALL had a shoe pile) and yelled, “Shoe on!”

One Response to “Where is my tin foil hat?”

  1. Margaret Says:

    I loved taking my kids trick or treating around our neighborhood. They enjoyed picking costumes every year. I don’t sew, so their choices were limited. I’m still trying to figure out Halloween. I have candy but am not sure how to dispense it.