Boxes of summer

bettygloves1It was August 2004 and Radical Betty was walking the beach with *glubs*. Yes, in August. Glub, glub, glub. That was back when I was rolling my own little blahg and not usually posting long incoherently rambling bunches of blather that even I can’t keep up with. Ahem. Like I do now. One particular week, I had a series of guest blahggers. Radical Betty’s guest post was “We had a long winter and we just got a little box of summer!” The post went on to say that it was 44 (Fahrenheit) that morning and never got above 57 (Fahrenheit again). And no, Radical Betty didn’t actually get onto the computer and *type* the guest blahg. I typed the quote and posted the picture.

Yes, here in the Great Lake State you never quite know what you’re gonna get weatherwise. Summer of 1988? Temperatures in the upper 90s and low 100s for, oh, I dunno how long. Maybe six weeks? And no rain. None. Nada. A “dry” heat. Roight. The grass in the schoolyard turned brown. We did not have central air in our house at that time. Who needed it? We did not even have an automotive vee-hickle with a/c. Windows down, everyone. Problem. With two children under four, it was an absolutely *miserable* summer. Mouse, at 18 months, came down with roseola and was spiking fevers up to 104 degrees, which was about the ambient outdoor/indoor temperature and we actually filled the little plastic KMart-type kiddie pool in the back yard and sat in there with her. Yes, really. I know. It sounds like we flunked parenting 101. You had to be there. Really. Finally, my annual three-week vacation arrived and I got the heck offa The Planet Mercury, which is what The Planet Ann Arbor felt like that summer. I got those kids up to the moominbeach where, even if it’s hot, you can always walk out up to your neck into Gitchee Gumee, one of the biggest air conditioners in the world.

This June? Hot? Not so much. It has been beautiful though. 39 degrees this morning! Yes, another glub day. But when we left The Planet this afternoon, it was in the 70s. And here at Houghton Lake, it is a little cooler but warm enough for polartech jackets and shorts. And again a contrast to another trip up here that I remember. One year ago, almost to the day. Tornadoes all the way up and tornadoes all the way back and the craziest looking orange sky I have ever seen the Friday night we got here.

G’night. I do have some glubs up here. And my ski jacket.

3 Responses to “Boxes of summer”

  1. l4827 Says:

    We liked the planet’s (A2) spring so far. We actually have a beautiful spring. It did not go from winter to summer.

  2. l4827 Says:

    B.T.W. We’re in Holland (Mi), looking for wooden shoes ……..
    21 and 6=June 7th 2003.

  3. Margaret Says:

    I like unpredictable weather–last year it was snowing in the mountains and cold and rainy in early June here; this year it’s been HOT. I would like central AC though for years like this one.