Halo Boy
Does an orange halo indicate heaven or hell? Yesterday after we “raised our voices” about pollyticks, I wouldda said hell. Today after how he spent his time, maybe heaven. Actually he is haloed by a Gitchee Gumee sunset.
Other than that…
Grocks this morning at Plum. I spent an obscene amount of money on meat and fish/seafood. A lot of it is in the freezer because I’m stocking up ahead of our next northern trip. I’m enjoying a young guy at the meat counter who is energetic like me and always asks me what I’m gonna do with this or that and offers suggestions. Today it was beef filet and I’m gonna actually slice it up and make stroganoff. He was all excited, like what herbs are you gonna use, etc. We then had a discussion about how this wasn’t really the right season to make stroganoff but it was sooooo good, wasn’t it so why not cook it? This is not the first time I’ve had this kind of discussion with him and I “love” him!
My fave cashier Joyce checked me out today. She has long hair now too and it looks gorgeous on her especially with a few gray streaks. She has dark hair. She wondered where one of her fave employees had been throughout the week. My Plum Market employee (her friend) is on vacay this week. My Plum Market employee is well known at her work place and people do miss her when she’s on vacation.
After that, the GG and one of his sisters converged upon FlaMan’s apartment and spent something like four hours cleaning it up. I won’t get into detail about this. I love FlaMan but I’m mostly glad I wasn’t conscripted. I enjoyed a nice quiet day here at teleCubelandia. How much do cigarettes cost these days? I was asked that. I have no clue.
July 22nd, 2021 at 10:08 pm
I shudder to think how much Ashley’s been spending at the store for groceries. She actually cooks! I graze. 🙂 I’ve always liked stroganoff; do you serve it over noodles or rice?