Mouse and Mouse, kzoo 2009

Mouse Courtois and *Squeaky* Speedy Water Janet Pop Mousey Mushroomears. Kalamazoo College class of 2009. Bachelor of Arts, cum laude. Major in Theatre Arts. Charles Tully Design Award. Congratulations, Mouse and Mouse! [Er, updated to correct Squeaky’s name.]


And lest we start getting all overly proud and taking ourselves too seriously, let’s note that the Hunchback of Stetson Tower also made an appearance. Oh, and I do not know who the floating head in the Mouse-mouse photo is but if you click over to the hunchback, a very few of you will recognize a beautiful neighbor of ours in the background! One who I have known since Lizard Breath was five months old but that’s a whole ‘nother story for a whole ‘nother day.

12 Responses to “Mouse and Mouse, kzoo 2009”

  1. Kathy Farnell Says:

    I love those meeses to pieces!

  2. Jan Miller Says:

    Mouse and Mouse congrats!! What a wonderful accomplishment!

  3. Fran Says:

    Mousses and Mouse are wonderful and I suspect K COLLEGE will miss her ! congratulations – you don’t know how proud of you we are……………………….Ove to you both…………………….Fran.

  4. Fran Says:

    correction above – We Love you both !

  5. l4827 Says:

    Congrats on all that hard work! Cum Laude even! Now the world waits. Who knows where or when creative talent expresses her self …… a writer experiences and an actor feels. So which one? Hmmmmmm ………..
    Break a leg. (1)

    (1) Name given to curtsying in front of royalty. (requested command performances)

  6. mouse Says:

    Uhm, her first name is Squeaky. How could you have possibly managed to leave that out?

  7. mouse Says:

    The explanation that makes most sense to me is that the legs were reopened during the encore so the performers could bow. No one really knows…

  8. Margaret Says:

    Congrats!! She looks happy with all her goodies.

  9. Jay Says:

    Congratulations Mouse – job well done.

  10. jane Says:

    Hey Mouse – very cool! congrats!

    now that you have completed that part of your education, it’s time, once again, to work on perfecting your ‘beach sitting’ technique. I am available for instruction this summer. 😉

    and I love Mouse’s sarong – straight from Bali!

  11. Marquis Says:

    Congrats, Mouse!

    Don’t forget to always use sun screen …

  12. Tonya Says:

    Oh! Congratulations! What an achievement! (And I totally relate to the misery of trying to hold back sobs…)