Superior interior

This isn’t the first time I’ve posted these pics but I’m doing it again because I don’t got much else. “Don’t got” is another throwback to my yooperland childhood where I had to balance getting along with the “homies” in the neighborhood and learning proper English, which I was taught at home as well as at school. Ain’t was a common word in my neighborhood (I ain’t got none) but if I wanted to say it, I had better damn darn well be over in the schoolyard where The Comm couldn’t hear me.

So some interior shots of the Shabby Superior Street bungalow. First up, me doing some kind of craft on my yellow table in my bedroom next to my clothes rack. No closet there but I LOVED my clothes rack.

And probably one of my fave pics ever, me and my bro playing in my bedroom with Easter rabbits, one of which is probably still around. The Comm engineered buying me a bed with a SILVER headboard. I couldn’t believe she had chosen something so glamorous.

Here’s me, much younger and before my brother was born, having my breakfast in my footie pajamas on the pullout cutting board in the chitchen.

Here is The Comm. She’s cooking at a stove that I don’t really even remember although I do vaguely remember when we got a new one and I remember the new one pretty well and even cooked on it as a teenager.

She’s using a big juice can as a utensil holder. Behind her is a broom closet. Taped to the interior of the door that’s open is a newspaper cartoon. It’s Gertrude. She’s flopped out on the top of an ironing board. I have looked high and low for that cartoon and it is nowhere. I can only guess it disappeared when my parents moved from the Shabby Superior Bungalow to the Dillon House they “inherited” from my grandparents. That’d be a whole ‘nother story. I did name my stove after her. Gertrude, that is.

2 Responses to “Superior interior”

  1. Isa Says:
  2. Margaret Says:

    Great photos! I used to wear aprons although mine had a front piece too. I’m a very messy cook!