And I still am, and so is the woman at the Saline Road Meijer today. I think. I sometimes stop there for grokkeries on the way home from work. I avoid doing that but sometimes I just can’t get ahead of myself and so… When I got there today, I could see an elderly woman inside walking unsteadily toward the out door. I didn’t think anything of it at first. Lots of folks of all ages have trouble walking and I figured she was with someone. But then when I got in the door, people were asking her if she knew she had left her purse and *shoes* inside the store and then, figuring out that she didn’t know that, if she needed help. And then help came and I did my little bit of shopping, thinking, “whew! somebody else was there this time!” and when I was on my way out of the store, the woman was still there and Meijer folks were asking her very politely if they could look at her driver’s license and she was fumbling with her purse.
I am home and I hope it’s a while before I am old enough that I am not in any shape to drive home from a routine trip to Meijer.
Aside from all that, go check out Pete Gianakura’s new book from the American Cafe in Sault Ste. Marie. He is a friend of The Commander and Radical Betty’s. I haven’t read the book but I will and, of all things, it was in today’s Planet Ann Arbor News. Which I will miss when it goes away on July 23….
July 10th, 2009 at 1:29 am
That is very sad–and scary.