Happy trails to you

There is a trail in this pic but it’s a mini-trail through “our” mini-woods. I grabbed this crappy point-and-shoot of the sunrise as I took off on my walk this morning. I left the house just as my mouse returned Cygnus, then walked to her work. She had borrowed Cygnus overnight while Oriole had some service done. Oriole is a Crosstrek like Cygnus except she is orange and has a stick shift. I had been thinking about buying a second RAV4 but when I saw Oriole drive up the first time, I had to have one of those. I do still love Mooon Yooonit (our RAV4) too but usually it’s the GG who drives her and she is frequently filled up with crapola, trail maintenance tools and pamphlets and other detritus.

So. Himself arrived at around nine PM last night, hence no Father’s Day activities. We don’t exactly celebrate holidays in general except to use them as an excuse to get together.

We are not done with the North Country Trail but our friend Joan finished her second complete “thru” hike yesterday. “thru” is in quotes because although she hiked the entire trail, she did not do it contiguously. It still counts. They had finished her remaining yooperland sections on Thursday, then took Friday and Saturday as travel days, etc., the GG to Hoton Lake and Joan to her home. She left the last six miles for a trail section near her house so she could finish at home among friends. The Twinz of Terror and others joined her on that last section yesterday and it all ended triumphantly.

And then he drove home (swinging by FlaMan’s place to drop off beer🤣). We’ll do some sort of make-up Father’s Day later in the week. Maybe. I suppose we could’ve celebrated today on Juneteenth? It is a federal holiday but not one that I get off (yet). I also don’t get Columbus Day or Veteran’s Day. When my current company took over my original company, we lost MLK Day… For about a year… Then it sneaked its way back onto the schedule. I can only guess why and don’t get me wrong, I am supportive even though MLK Day is not at the best time of year to have a day off. Except when it falls on my bday🤣. I also have a suspicion that Juneteenth will become a company holiday one of these years but we’ll see.

One Response to “Happy trails to you”

  1. Margaret Says:

    I think it’s a lovely photo! Ethereal. I didn’t celebrate Father’s Day except to wish John a happy one.