
With rows and rows of these grapevines, I’m sure VineyardP was possible but I don’t think anyone took advantage of the opportunity (butcha nevah know what the GG might be doing at any given moment). TMI?

So this is a bit of yesterday’s wedding venue and our weather was BEAUTIFUL! Sunny, not anywhere near 90 degrees, gentle breezes throughout. Today? Rained cats and dogs off and on ALL DAY. I am not complaining. It felt soooo good and we needed it. But it was nice to spend a lot of time outdoors yesterday.

Other bits and pieces. The invitation, which we (of course) LOST but thankfully there was a website. Like two days before the wedding I read “Attire: cocktail”. I have a vague idea of what cocktail attire is and it does not reside in my closet. I have NO CLUE about how to go about buying a cocktail dress. I don’t even know what stores are still around the Planet Ann Arbor. In the end I decided this was a NO PANIC ZONE and wore a long black tie-dyed skirt and tank top. And carried a 100-something-year-old beaded “evening bag” that started to disintegrate during the evening. I’m not sure my attire was what the bride may have had in mind but she was gracious enough not to notice it and no one else seemed to care.

What helped was that during a morning Plum run one of mouse’s sweet co-workers told me how good my hair looked!?! Say what? I’m not sure I agreed with her but it somehow gave me the boost I needed to get through the “attire” part of the day. I suppose what she was reacting to was that my hair was actually DRY. I was a bit later than usual and when I am over there early, my hair is still WET from my shower and sometimes pulled back into a fugly ponytail depending upon its level of scraggliness.

The GG kept saying we were sitting at the Old Folks Table. I preferred to call it the Aunts and Uncles Table. And indeed, sitting with his sibs and their spouses was what kept me sane during the social bits. There were plenty of people there but it wasn’t some big 300 person blowout. I was impressed with the bride and groom for keeping it down to what seemed like a manageable crowd. And honestly, I support their choice of attire. It was THEIR day, it was NOT about me. And they and all of their young friends were obviously enjoying getting a little dressed up. I remember those days 🐸

Today? I WAS A SLUG! Partly it was because I was basking in our heavy rain showers (nothing severe, no lightning all day). Partly it was because I am totally failing at making progress on flinging. That is what I WANTED to do this weekend but could NOT get the gumption. Where do I start? The GG? Cleaned automotive vee-hickles and the Lyme Lounge (in between rainstorms) and I dunno what else. He was busy and productive.

One Response to “VineyardP?”

  1. Margaret Says:

    John and attended a wedding yesterday and the attire was “casual” which I can never interpret. Due to the groom and his friends and the locale, the clothing ranged from dresses and slacks to jeans, plaid shirts, cowboy hats and a few dresses that left nothing to the imagination. John got quite an eyeful!