Two shower day

What did you do on your birthday? The GG could answer, “I took two showers.” It isn’t all that unusual for meeeee to take two showers but it is a rarity for the GG. His speshul day could be described in two halves. He circumnavigated the city this morning (leaving me blissfully alone to replay a meeting I recorded earlier in the week). This afternoon he mostly napped. That was also fine with me. I was more than fine about the two showers.

I did not get him anything for his bday. At least not anything exciting. He’s taking a milestone bday trip to Ireland with one of our daughters. I figger he doesn’t really need any boy toyz. I will have to recount his conversation with The Uncly Uncle this afternoon to his daughter. The conversation in which he said he was packing lightly and he would be okay with being “stinky” but he wasn’t sure how much of that his daughter would tolerate… TMI?

I did buy these stuffties for the Lyme Lounge. A tick and a Lyme microbe. I encountered these at the Quiet Water Symposium in March. A delightful young PhD candidate had a booth about ticks and Lyme Disease and she had some of these cuties as part of her exhibit. A tick is not a microbe and microbes do not have eyes (that I know of) but this one does (not shown in pic). So, if you happen to need a microbe or two. BTW I am NOT on a stuffed aminal buying spree. This is a one off.

One Response to “Two shower day”

  1. Margaret Says:

    I don’t know that I’ve ever taken two showers in one day; I would be so itchy and dry! I still want to go to Ireland and need to figure out how to make that happen.