Screen time

These two cousin-neighbors are using their iPhones and actually the GG and I were doing the same thing. I couldn’t easily get a photo of all four of us so this is what you get. Make no mistake, we were not out in some kind of zone. We were actively conversing, sharing photos and videos, looking up books, videos, and various pieces of information. Elkhorn Slough? It’s an estuary, a term I did actually know. The point is that all of this stuff ADDED to an already invigorating conversation. There is something to be said for disconnecting and “touching grass” but screens are not all bad.

Tonight was a FinFam steak dinner in honor of the cousin-neighbors who are leaving this week. The GG is leaving tomorrow (but he’ll be back) so it had to happen tonight because he cooks the steaks and corn on the gas grill. He thought the steaks were overdone. They weren’t bloody like I like them but they were not overdone and were plenty tender for me. Good job old boy. Also bitsy little potatoes, broccoli, and garlic bread (from the stash I brought up from The Planet Ann Arbor).

The GG obliged me by going to Meijer this morning to get the corn, potatoes, a crown of broccoli, coffee beans, and I dunno what else. I love going to Meijer but I had to work today and I didn’t feel like hoofing it in there before work. He needed to haul the Lyme Lounge out for a test run since it’s been sitting for a while so this was a perfect errand for him.

I GREATLY appreciated that he stepped up to a grock run and followed my list to the letter, no less. I asked for little potatoes and he got exactly what I wanted and he even managed to find a broccoli crown but that’s probably partly because I had one here at the moomincabin and showed it to him.

Trivia, trivia, trivia. Sayonara, KW.

One Response to “Screen time”

  1. Margaret Says:

    I love being able to look things up on my phone as well as read, play games and do lots of other things. When I’m with the grandsons though, I put it away. They are already attracted to gadgets/screens and they’re too young for that.